3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews

Dissecting the Visuals and Storytelling of Netflix's "3 Body Problem" Adaptation

April 24, 2024 3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews Episode 6
Dissecting the Visuals and Storytelling of Netflix's "3 Body Problem" Adaptation
3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews
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3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews
Dissecting the Visuals and Storytelling of Netflix's "3 Body Problem" Adaptation
Apr 24, 2024 Episode 6
3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews

Ever wondered how a beloved book series can transform when it lands on the screen? Jacob and I bring you our fresh take on Netflix's adaptation of the "Three-Body Problem" series, breaking down how the show weaves in complex elements from later books right from the get-go. Our conversation is a labyrinth of analysis, examining the series' faithfulness to the original spirit and the daring character adaptations that have us applauding one moment and debating the next.

Strap in for a journey through the intricacies of storytelling as we dissect the series' expansion of roles and introduction of new characters. We don't shy away from the tough questions: does the early alien reveal shift the narrative's focus too soon? Can flashbacks and VR sequences truly capture the essence of the source material? Together, we navigate the visual spectacle, the narrative deviations, and the high-concept scenes that both confuse and captivate.

As we wrap up the first season's highs and lows, we cast our predictions into the great unknown of what awaits in season two. Will the Wallfacer concept soar or stumble? How will our favorites like Augie and the Oxford Five evolve? Join us as we share laughs, critiques, and our unabashed enthusiasm for what lies ahead in the epic saga of the "3 Body Problem." It's a lively debate you won't want to miss, filled with anticipation and a touch of nostalgia for the pages that started it all.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ever wondered how a beloved book series can transform when it lands on the screen? Jacob and I bring you our fresh take on Netflix's adaptation of the "Three-Body Problem" series, breaking down how the show weaves in complex elements from later books right from the get-go. Our conversation is a labyrinth of analysis, examining the series' faithfulness to the original spirit and the daring character adaptations that have us applauding one moment and debating the next.

Strap in for a journey through the intricacies of storytelling as we dissect the series' expansion of roles and introduction of new characters. We don't shy away from the tough questions: does the early alien reveal shift the narrative's focus too soon? Can flashbacks and VR sequences truly capture the essence of the source material? Together, we navigate the visual spectacle, the narrative deviations, and the high-concept scenes that both confuse and captivate.

As we wrap up the first season's highs and lows, we cast our predictions into the great unknown of what awaits in season two. Will the Wallfacer concept soar or stumble? How will our favorites like Augie and the Oxford Five evolve? Join us as we share laughs, critiques, and our unabashed enthusiasm for what lies ahead in the epic saga of the "3 Body Problem." It's a lively debate you won't want to miss, filled with anticipation and a touch of nostalgia for the pages that started it all.

Speaker 1:

Hey everyone, welcome back to another episode. I'm your host, john. With me is my co-host, jacob. What's up? And today we're going to be talking about the Three-Body Problem series on Netflix that just came out. We'll be going over our thoughts how we felt the show was, maybe a little bit about how it compares to the book, or like what Kind of a little bit yeah, otherwise we're just gonna get into it.

Speaker 1:

There'll be heavy spoilers, obviously, so if you haven't watched the show, probably don't click on this. Um, we'll just get started. So, jacob, how'd you, uh, what'd you think of the show?

Speaker 2:

you know, watching, watching this show. I binge watched it on in two days and I had a lot of different thoughts and at first I was. I was so worried after the first episode. Just I thought they were going to rush through so much that I was like oh like. I just the the pace through the first episode was just fast and I'm like, oh, they're just gonna burn through book one like really quick completely agree yeah, and then because after episode two I started to, I started to feel a little different.

Speaker 2:

I was like, okay, they definitely slowed it down in episode two and then I I felt like, from episode two to like episode five, I think that they like really found like a good pace and I was enjoying the storyline. And then what kind of surprised me which I guess is the biggest spoilers is they kind of just started integrating um storylines and characters from the second and third books, which I was not expecting at all, and so seeing them integrate that it was a surprise, but I I don't think it was necessarily a bad thing. I guess we'll see, uh, where it goes in the future. But overall I enjoyed the show and, uh, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I mean, um, just a little background. You and I both watched the first two episodes together. We had, luckily, someone that hasn't read the books watch it with us and we were kind of bouncing off him after the first two episodes what he thought Because, just like you, that first episode, the pacing was all over and like felt way too fast and I know we were both like what is going on Because they were just burning. It's like the first episode literally covers um half the book. I know we're not going to talk about the book, but it's still like for people that have read the book and the series it's just like what is going on. So that first episode was like oh no, d and D did it again.

Speaker 2:

I was already ready to quit, like I was like this show's over, like they're gonna try to fit all three books in two seasons or something but the second episode was I mean maybe because you know netflix doesn't like more than two seasons and netflix is known for canceling a lot of their shows, so uh I maybe that maybe that played into their uh decision making here.

Speaker 1:

But we'll see, we'll see yeah, the pacing for the first episode was so, so rushed and weird. Um, and then I know, after watching two, and like I think when we started two, because we're both on the same page, and like we're biased in the fact that we love the series, and it's hard, like I think this is the first time I've watched a show from like a series that I like, so it was really hard to separate it. Because you know you, you get, um, you just like the story, you like how it progresses and so you want it to be created faithfully. And so when the first episode is literally half the book and then characters are completely different and other characters from the other books are in, it's just like what is going on.

Speaker 1:

But, um, after that first episode, I think you and I were both I remember you making a comment, like immediately after the start of the seconds, like I'm just gonna stop talking, I'm just gonna watch. And I felt the exact same way because it's like, if we're gonna not being book snobs but it might come off as that but it's like we're not gonna enjoy this if we keep, you know, being like, oh my god, why are they doing this? Why are they doing that we just gotta sit back, finish the series, because I think we both said during the at watching them we're like we just got to see what they do with the rest and then we can either hate it or love it. So that was a little bit of a struggle to mentally try to not be too judgmental.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I felt when we were watching the first two episodes that I was not know not necessarily like getting angry about the changes. I think me and you kind of just started pointing out. We're like, oh, they're going fast and they've changed this and and this character, like you know, uh, wasn't in the books or you know is, but it's a different name and stuff, and we're just pointing out all the changes. That it was just like, uh, you know what. I'm just going to stop pointing out the changes, I'm just going to watch the show, enjoy it and hopefully these changes make sense.

Speaker 2:

And for the most part, I felt like every change that they've made and the timing they've done, it hasn't done anything negative up to this point, in my opinion, like I still think they can tell the exact story, but I do think there are elements of the story that are missing and if you don't have anything else you want to touch on, um, I'd be interested in moving on to that, I've just, I mean I'll just, I'll just like, yeah, I kind of agree with you like they've done a pretty good job.

Speaker 1:

Like you know, coming from game of thrones, where you're worried because the final like two ish, three seasons were terrible, um, but I will say they, they've done a good job. Um, you can tell where there's certain interpretations of however they wanted to change it up. Names, characters are different, but, um, nothing too major. I, once we get into it, um, I'll like probably we'll either have the same thoughts or different. We'll get into those. But um, I think overall, yeah, it was. Uh, I enjoyed the series, but I mean, we're a little biased in that regard.

Speaker 2:

Uh, we knew we were gonna enjoy it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we're gonna enjoy it especially being able to like, um visualize some of the stuff after reading it, because reading it um one thing it's like each book is like 15 to 20 plus hours, if I'm not mistaken you might be correct and you're talking about, uh like, listening to the books, listening, yeah, we didn't read them.

Speaker 1:

We listened to them on Audible. So like, yeah, like they were definitely in for a pretty tough job of scaling it back to an eight-episode series, which I feel like maybe 10 episodes would have been cool. But you know, they managed to do, I think, a very good job in eight and I don't really have like a rating for the show, but it's definitely something that I would highly recommend, even though I don't have a rating, because, like I, I'm just too biased to be like, oh yeah, this is a great show. Like I, I just don't I can't give it a rating, but I will say I recommend it.

Speaker 1:

And it was interesting to, like, um, talk to someone after the first two episodes that's never read the books and have their thoughts, and then it's just interesting to hear what other people think. Because, um, just to touch on the first episode again, after you and I, like after we watched it, it was just like, is this like gonna be a good show or is this going to be a flop? Because, like the pacing of the first one, I can see it making some people maybe be like, I don't want to watch this.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

But yeah.

Speaker 2:

I I agree with you that like I haven't thought about like what rating I would give it out of 10, 10 or anything like that, but that I just enjoyed it. And when people ask me you know, oh, is this a good show that I watch? Or like, should I watch, I usually kind of preface that like I really enjoyed it. But this is like heavy, heavy science fiction. Like this is not like your typical, like average show, meant for just sci-fi action. Yeah, like sci-fi action. This is like truly science fiction, with, yeah, theories and, um, you know, just things that you don't think about on a normal day.

Speaker 1:

You know like unfolding dimensions yeah, and it's like hard to just like just have the average person understand, because even reading the books, like I found myself having to look up stuff and like try to understand it better, because books do a pretty good job, but it's still like hard science, um, and, like I'd say, they did a very good job.

Speaker 2:

Obviously they have to make it um, dumb it down a bit to make it more digestible, but yeah, when you consider this isn't a how yeah, this isn't like a sorry, this isn't a like a typical sci-fi um show I'd say yeah, like you brought up, like the books they're, they're very technical and there's a lot of um, like scientific terminology used and like the author does not like skip out on, like just going into detail explaining exactly what he wants you to like understand and visualize, no matter like how high level of a concept it is. Put yourself in uh dnd's shoes and like trying to bring this to a tv show. Like they do have to make changes. Like you, you can't just have a character giving a monologue about a unfolding a proton because you ain't gonna have anyone watching?

Speaker 1:

after that I oh, I know we're jumping around, but like now, we'll talk about that when we get to it.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, keep going well, that was kind of uh, you know my finishing uh thoughts on on terms of uh, bringing it to tv and it's, it's science fiction. So it's, it's a heavy, heavy science fiction, and I tell people something along that line. So I don't know if a non-science fiction enjoyer how they would look at this show, because I would say our group of friends, um, probably is all pretty interested in that kind of stuff.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, um, it's definitely like you just have to. I keep bringing up people that haven't watched or read the book because I'm just curious how those people like, how they get hooked and I was gonna ask you if you can, because I know you watched, um, the show, uh, the whole. You watched the whole series with our friend, right yeah, can we name drop?

Speaker 2:

yeah, we can name.

Speaker 1:

No, we watched it with prentice, though um, I think you watched a whole series, right?

Speaker 2:

yeah, we watched the first two episodes, the three of us all together, and then, yeah, uh, I finished the rest of the series with uh, with prentice, and he is. He has not read the books, but I would say he is a uh, a very how, what's, what's the word?

Speaker 1:

he, he enjoys some of that like high level, yeah, like in.

Speaker 2:

Like he likes to be challenged, he likes problem, like problem solving, critical thinking. Yeah, so so he. He doesn't necessarily fit the criteria of, maybe, an average viewer. That might just be like looking for something new to watch on netflix, but he was very invested in the show and I don't know if we negatively impacted him after the first two episodes, but I remember, by you know, episode two that was what we watched the first night and then he immediately wanted to keep going. Yeah, I remember him asking you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's like so we want to finish it tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

It's like damn, all right so he was, he was very interested and I remember we got to episode five, which I thought was probably the best episode um of the season, perhaps, uh, judgment day, and uh we were watching that episode and he was just like very invested, you know, and by the end of it he's like all right, he's like this is really good, he's like we gotta finish tonight yeah, um, yeah, um.

Speaker 1:

So I think what we both wanted to do is I know we keep bringing up the books and I think we'll have a separate discussion for like actual differences, but we'll kind of touch certain topics, um, I think the I don't even know where to go from here, um all right, let's start off.

Speaker 2:

Let's start off with the fact that the main character in the book is not in the show.

Speaker 1:

The main character he is, but he's um, he plays uh, or he's um played by uh he's played by uh augie it's it's augie yeah, the character's augie and definitely takes a a back seat. I'd say like. So basically, the main character from the books is split into five. I wouldn't even say split.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we were thinking it was going to be split, but at the end of the day, I think all five of those characters are kind of their own. No, yeah. Individuals that we didn't expect them to be introducing some of those characters early, so we were assuming they were kind of new characters.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, introducing some of those characters early, so we were assuming they were kind of new characters, but yeah, so essentially the main characters, but I feel like there's one or two that are. After the all eight episodes you could tell who are the bigger characters. But let's just say for now, the the first uh season has five characters and it jumps from each person's point of view and how they're dealing with everything. I guess the one that's kind of basically the main character from the book is Augie. So she's the nano.

Speaker 2:

Oh shoot, I don't even Nanoscientist, I don't even know what to call her Nanotechnology scientist Lady. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Which, for the book, is the main main character and he plays a very heavy role, um, because the book just completely follows his point of view. Um, besides following, yeah, when she has point of view which we also get in the show, but she's also like not really she's, I definitely consider her a minor character, and even in the show they call's also like not really she's, I definitely consider her a minor character.

Speaker 1:

And even in the show they call them the oxford five. So those five characters which is um augie saul durand, um jack rooney, which is also kind of like a minor character, yeah, jin chang, and then I'm missing one oh will downing Will yeah. Will, and I think by episode two. Um, I think I made a comment to you I think it was episode two that uh, when Will Downing's characters uh gets cancer, I'm like, oh watch, they're gonna make this guy the guy from book three and that's exactly what they did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, young tn ming I think his name was tn yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I think what dnd is doing is they're taking bits from definitely from book one and two, for sure, but even introducing stuff from book three and um, it's kind of hard because you don't want to spoil, so I won't.

Speaker 2:

I won't spoil anything specifically from book three, but me and me and Prentice were talking because he was kind of asking, you know, like my thoughts and some of the characters and I actually think what they did was kind of smart, bringing in characters like Thomas Wade, jin and Will will like these characters are not in book one at all Like, not just name changes book two.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, even Saul, saul's character, like even if you like we gave them the names that they ended up having in the books, like they're not in book one at all. But what happens a lot in the books is these characters go into like cryogenic sleep for like 50, 60 years at a time and so like in the books. Like Saul and Augie are like nowhere near the same age, so like it wouldn't make sense to um have like them be a much older character in the show and like you don't want to be introducing a complete new cast every season of like oh yeah, we're jumping 60 years yeah, especially when you're not focusing on just one, because in the books it works.

Speaker 1:

First it's it's a longer series, like 20 plus hours for each book. But, like when breaking it down into a show, it definitely makes much more sense because, starting from season one, you can develop those characters. You introduce them, you get some character development. Depending on how many seasons they choose, you're gonna most likely be around with them, so you'll get the full character development and not just be like, oh, here's a new character, bam, enjoy him for like a season or however many. Um, so I will say I remember when we first were watching it or you know, getting excited for this I was. That was definitely one of my negatives, like ah, they broke them down, they're gonna introduce these people we're not gonna care about.

Speaker 1:

But I definitely 180 like yeah, I do like what they're doing and even in the first season you get, you get tons of character development. Might not be like super major for each character, but there's still some character development that'll keep you connected to, uh, the five aka four, because jack rooney gets murked um, which I thought was a shame a little, but I mean like I guess I agree, I thought that he was the comic relief of this uh, this series, and now, now he's and I don't even like I know, sometimes you know comedic relief characters are just like, oh, they're just cliche.

Speaker 1:

Or you know stereotype. But like I thought he did more of like a natural, like what would someone in 2024? Yeah, the circumstance yeah especially when he's rich and like I mean he's super smart, but he's essentially like the super rich friend and the way he acts is like how you kind of expect like you're just your bro to be a good support character.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was a good um character.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. It's hard to like, I guess, when we try to focus on the show.

Speaker 2:

So all right, let's focus on something. Uh, the direction that maybe I thought the show was gonna go I'd have to re-listen to our uh trailer takes on where we thought the show was gonna be focused on, but kind of remember I I think we were both on the same page that it was gonna be more murder mystery yeah with in which we didn't talk about in the trailer because it would be a spoiler about the aliens, but I still thought they would save that for the finale.

Speaker 1:

This was not not really a murder mystery I don't even know it just wasn't like they. It was there but it felt very background um to the whole story yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I definitely thought they were gonna spend a good portion of the show being uncovering, like, what are this? Why are the scientists all like killing themselves? What does this countdown mean? And like what's gonna happen to augie when the countdown hits zero for her? Because, like they, you know, they show that she's got that countdown pretty early on and because in the books that's kind of this. You know part of the main storyline, you've got your main character, wong, and you know he's working with, uh, you know, detective uh sh to figure things out. Clarence, clarence in the show. So so I really thought that like there was going to be at least a solid like half the season of like just trying to figure out like, oh, what is going on here and like what this mystery is.

Speaker 1:

But after episode one it was like nah, it was just because it's the that. So the numbers, which is is literally the biggest plot element of book one, and I know we keep bringing up the book but it's just going to keep happening, but it's the biggest plot element. And here is just like a little like, just like almost like a casual mention I will say I don't remember it being in the books but the Sophons, which is what's making them see whatever they want, aka the numbers. Yeah, um, it's definitely more. Uh, I guess like, well, they basically let you see whatever they want you to see.

Speaker 1:

And, um, for, let's just say, when Jack Rooney dies, like Clarence D dash doesn't even see that happening, which I don't think I think in the books, they strictly left it to literally seeing numbers and like yeah, um that was one way, uh, the lord, or the trisolarians, in the show they're called the solari, the santi, the santi, sorry, no, you're good. Um, the santi, and that's how they mainly communicated, almost through, uh, like texts through your eyes for people. That, yeah, for following.

Speaker 2:

So that was a slight change which it the when you talked about you know jack's murder, and like he was looking right at that window and couldn't see anything, but we knew.

Speaker 2:

Um, the character's name is tatiana, in case I don't they only like mention her name, like once or twice, I think, but but like they almost give like tatiana this, like paranormal activity-esque, like scenes where she's on camera but then she's really not on camera they scrub her from it so like yeah, I guess you could like um conclude that the sofans are like removing her from any footage, like I'm not even sure how they would remove like from film it would make sense, but from digital I'm not, I'm not too sure I think it's just they block her out of it it seems like in the show they're just saying like we can make you literally see whatever we want you to see, which I think adds a pretty big element, because it's like it shows just how much more powerful their tech is.

Speaker 1:

And when they start showing how the Sofan was created, it's like, yeah, these people, the Santi I was going to say solari again the santi are just so much more advanced than humanity. Um, but yeah, I uh, there's just I don't know sticking to the show.

Speaker 2:

I mean yeah, let's try to stick to the to the show. For the rest, it's so.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm having a little trouble because it's like I want to talk about the other, but it's like all right, so what? We're focusing on the show, not the books what was your um?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, maybe your favorite part of the show, or whether that's like what drew you in and you were like highly invested um into the scene. Or maybe you know something that the show did that you know isn't in the books or is contrast in the books and you're like oh, but it's good you know, like what was? What did we like about this?

Speaker 1:

I will say judgment day was probably my favorite episode, but any of the v VR stuff was very cool because and the VR stuff, the game stuff even felt a little minor and the trailer makes it a lot major.

Speaker 2:

I feel like it was important but, yeah, not like the entire show.

Speaker 1:

No, I want to say it was over. Five would have been the end right. Four around four. They were kind of done to.

Speaker 2:

To really quickly just supplement your thought. One of prentice's thoughts after we had watched is he said his favorite scenes were the 1960s flashbacks um to yeah, when jazz uh like passed and then also the vr scenes. He said there should have been more vr scenes into that world because that was, you know, something that interested him yeah, because it was like the mysterious was like how, first off, these people have tech.

Speaker 1:

Secondly, the game. You're trying to understand it as the characters understand it and I will say like maybe that'll probably be a negative for me, but it was like they definitely didn't rely on the game as much. I felt um, which is a shame, because it almost felt like they're kind of speed running through it, which so is fine.

Speaker 1:

But like there was some cool moments from the books that I felt like they were quickly glossed over. It was like almost every time there was a VR session, they found a solution which I feel like should have maybe taken longer, but that's just me.

Speaker 2:

I think that could just be the we got to get this show rolling, we got to get this advance.

Speaker 2:

We gotta get this advance, so something that uh, I yeah, I definitely enjoyed the vr scenes and I I I think what you said earlier like 10 episodes, like 10 to 12 episodes, and I think we could have gotten um more vr scenes and maybe uh, spaced out those like 1960s flashbacks, because I feel like they all happened in like the first two episodes and I think some of them, you know, could have been better placed in later episodes to kind of, instead of just use it to provide background information, her kind of use it to like reveal something like oh, she's like, this is why she did this or this is you know what caused her to, you know, make those decisions.

Speaker 2:

And although I don't think it hurts the show not having like a big focus on like the murder mystery part one, one like glaring negative to me was that augie like and the countdown, I never really felt in danger for her life, yeah, I really wish they would have like just given like a little more time to flesh that out so that like we get to like augie like early on, like she's the main focus, those first two episodes and then be be like, oh my god, what's going to happen when this countdown hits zero?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, see, the numbers play such a big, the countdown plays such a heavy role in the books. And here it was definitely like Even when she turns on for the finalies. I guess it was like a minute left.

Speaker 1:

It was like a couple seconds left when she turns on for like finally is like, yes, someone to turn after Jack dies. Yeah, it was like a couple seconds left when she finally like decides, like yes, I'm going to do this, and then you don't even get to see the numbers like not appear, you just get her like I think you're supposed to infer her emotions, but you don't until she says it. And then Dasha clarence is like oh, maybe the lord isn't protecting them anymore, yeah, or isn't? I don't. I don't. He said something around those lines because it's after the. Oh no, it's not after, it's before the boat scene.

Speaker 2:

But, um, yeah, you lose an impact of that, yeah, I just never felt the weight of like what was going to happen to her if it hit zero, because we didn't really like see it go down that much for her, I feel like until it was just like at the very end with like getting the nanotech like test complete and then she immediately like turns it off. And it's not to say that like this hurts the story, because I still think they progressed like through a pretty compelling story of like trying to get you interested into you know who's like. What is this game? Who created it? Who is this like other you know planet we're communicating with? Like I think everything was still like interesting and compelling. I just personally would have enjoyed more story of like with the mystery part of it, just yeah, trying to figure out what's going on.

Speaker 2:

I guess at the end of just like I just wanted more episodes to enjoy it to enjoy because I think it was good and I just wish we could have fleshed out book one a little bit more yeah, I will say um.

Speaker 1:

I think another negative for me is just the reveal of the aliens kind of takes out the weight of um, it almost shifts the weight of the uh, the uh, the story, and that it jumps like the first part is like a very minor, but it's like um, oh, why are all these scientists killing each other? And then it's like, oh, look, here's the game, oh, look, aliens. And then finally the next solution is like which is the rest of the show? Basically, um, from five on, even maybe a little bit of four is just like how are we gonna stop these aliens? Of four is just like how are we gonna stop these aliens from killing us? So I can feel like, just like you is, that mystery part is gone and it's almost to me felt like we gotta hit these check box.

Speaker 1:

This um, I don't want to say this is like a filler season, because it's not. It definitely sets it up, but it definitely leaves so many different threads for like, clearly they're like well, we'll save all this for next season. Make sure we hit these topics now. Okay, yeah, and maybe that's a pacing issue, but like I, I mean we both agree that after two the pacing was perfectly fine, yeah, um, but it's still like missing, it's almost missing, like the, maybe not the hook, but like some meat to the, to the whole story.

Speaker 2:

I felt like so tell me if you agree, uh, with me or not on this point. But I think, do you think the aliens, like just just introducing that earlier on, like you know, midway through the show, rather than like that being like an episode seven or eight, reveal, do you think that is for the more like casual, like, oh, we got to get people interested, we got to get the casuals, like they're not going to wait around until episode eight to figure out, like if this is aliens out, like if this is aliens like we gotta. Like you think this is like a netflix algorithm, that they're like the first three episodes are like the most important and we gotta, we gotta get people's attention right away I'd have.

Speaker 1:

I remember you saying that after two, or maybe after one, but two for sure. Um, yeah, I'd have to agree.

Speaker 2:

It's because it's like the hook, basically because I mean for us, like we would be willing to, like you know obviously watch it all out and like wait for a big reveal at the end of the season. But some people might just like the more casual viewers that are less interested in science fiction might just be like I don't know where this is going, I'm not, I'm not interested, like it's probably nothing on the other end of those communications.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I definitely have to agree with that statement of they immediately show the aliens, because that's kind of the big hook.

Speaker 2:

The draw, yeah, the hook.

Speaker 1:

Let's be real. The biggest thing is probably to be like oh, what are these aliens going to look like? And all that. I could see why. And oh, boy am. I going to have bad news for you so, so, uh, yeah, I could see why they did that. Um, do I agree with it? No, but it is what it is.

Speaker 2:

Um, we're jumping around a bunch, but that's fine, we're we're, we're loose, loose cannons yeah, we're just, we're just, yeah, we're just having a little free, free talk, freestyling it um, I will say like I touched on it earlier, but the vr definitely felt super short.

Speaker 1:

Um, those could have definitely been longer.

Speaker 2:

I could probably see why they didn't budget reasons just to create those um yeah, those are probably the most expensive uh scenes right there, for sure, probably and there were.

Speaker 1:

It was good, but maybe it's because I we know the background, but to me it just felt like the answers were just like here's. Let me show you the problem. Oh, I haven't, I have a solution for that and I mean they use. Uh, they did solve everything very quickly they they use gin as the main character to solve them. But like, even with her, it's like she's has maybe like a couple days at.

Speaker 1:

There's not really like a big timeline, like how they show the time flow, but like I feel like they show her struggling with the first one, the first problem of trying to figure it out, and then after that everything just comes together very easily for like, yeah, I agree it's literally that first episode issue, I think, is the, or maybe our, biggest issue, because I think by three she's all like, oh no, their big thing is to survive, and then that makes her push her to the next thing and then basically the vr stuff is done after five, for sure, but maybe even four, because I think five the only time they go into the vr is um, for like they wanted wade to see something which, uh, which we could talk about, which is the proton um the so fun, so fun, unfolding so fun which, um, we'd have to go back and listen to it, but I remember it being so much more cooler in the books, um, and I I would.

Speaker 1:

I'll talk about it this time just because it was so much like. The difference is pretty major, but I will say they did. They like lightly touched on it, um, if I recall when in the books, when they're describing and showing the character how they made the sofans, I'm almost positive when they unfolded the proton and because I'll shoot and see and I'm gonna get confused because it gets weird, I want to say when they unfolded it, it becomes big because it has more dimensions, right? I?

Speaker 2:

want to say when they unfolded it.

Speaker 1:

It becomes big because it has more dimensions, right? Yes, I thought yeah, okay, which it does in the show?

Speaker 2:

Which it does in the show, yeah, it unfolds and covers like the entire skyline.

Speaker 1:

In the book, essentially a being from a higher dimension kind of takes over the Sophons and, just like laser beams, the planet, uh, the santi's planet, and I thought that was very cool and I wish we would have seen it. I remember watching the episodes, this the show, and I was like, oh, I completely forgot about that.

Speaker 1:

So when they finally did, I'm like, oh yes, and then they didn't, I was like oh, because, um, it's just such a weird and like kind of cool moment where it's just like oh, look, look, we made, we basically um built circuits on this proton, and then the proton, kind of the being from another dimension, just decides to like kill them, which?

Speaker 2:

they survive, but it's still like it would have been cool to see which yeah.

Speaker 1:

And I know that was our thing with. Partly why we were excited with the show is just being able to visualize some of the stuff.

Speaker 1:

But they didn't have it in the show, which is fine, but I definitely think they did a very good job of describing how the Sofans were created, because, if I remember, I had to to like re-listen to that a few times and like focus on it because it's just so high concept and even like, I mean like literally seconds ago I was just like I think I'm getting this right because it's so confusing yeah, listening books is.

Speaker 2:

Listening to books is great, but it's a lot harder to go back and reread something if you think you misunderstood it. You don't have the text to just like turn your you know, move your eyes back up a few lines, or or turn the page back like you have to.

Speaker 1:

You have to rewind yeah, it was, so it was a very cool scene even in the show. Um, definitely super high concept, though, so I hope that doesn't hope people are more in awe than like confused which I I do think they got that I like.

Speaker 2:

I don't think anyone like should have been super confused after they explained like hey, we unfolded this and it got really big and we put a computer on it just one little uh tidbit before we continue is I don't know if you noticed, unless I'm wrong that the little girl in the game is uh, vera.

Speaker 1:

As a young kid, is it now because I don't think yeah, when she looks at a photo and it's her oh, it's a little it's her when they were younger and when, obviously, vera was younger. Yes, but I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that was it, because when I saw it I was like, oh, that's what that little girl is, and for anyone new watching that might not be as knowledgeable.

Speaker 2:

Vera is uh the scientist who uh kills herself by jumping into the particle accelerator oh, yeah, very early on in the show yeah, and which is yeah when she has daughter.

Speaker 1:

So, um, we didn't talk about it yet, but the flashbacks unless, yeah, the I thought they did a good job on flashbacks. I will agree with prentice. Focusing on the flashbacks is cool because it automatically gives you the, allows you to see the mindset of why this, a certain character's actions later on and in this case, years on, yeah, why she does certain things and why her mentality is a certain way, and I definitely think that was, uh, they did a pretty good job, just like the chinese show of, uh, chinese version of this.

Speaker 2:

Um, yeah, it still feels a little light compared to the books, but I mean, it's gonna happen either way I'm really just coming to the conclusion based on kind of every point we're hitting on is I feel like it's good, but a lot of things could have been better if they just had more episodes or more time yeah, more time to uh to to dive into some of these and whether that's a netflix budgeting thing or maybe that's dnd uh saying we can get it all done in seven episodes again, but dnd is like I try so long.

Speaker 1:

Somebody wants to say that, but it's. It's good that one feels like an algorithm thing too. I know it's off topic, but that name.

Speaker 2:

Wait, the name is like a the santi. Yeah, all right, wait, wait. Do you know what? Do you know what santi means in uh chinese?

Speaker 1:

no, it means three body uh, oh wait, they say that in there, don't?

Speaker 2:

they yeah I still like which fun fun fact for our listeners our friend prentice uh speaks um mandarin and some other uh chinese dialects and he, he immediately picked that up and thought it was a cool name. He's like, oh that's. He's like that's good it um I don't know it's uh trying to think of what else uh, I I want to shout out a quick scene that that I enjoyed. Um was, uh, I believe, in episode five.

Speaker 2:

It could have been four and it is with uh, mike evans on the judgment day ship speaking to the lord and he's like reading uh stories and he reads, you know, a little red riding hood and I thought just the delivery of the lines in that scene were just perfect with uh the lord, you know, from over the intercom just asking may I speak with the wolf? Thinking that the wolf is a real, like living, being that she can?

Speaker 1:

yeah, she's like well, what forest are they in?

Speaker 2:

yeah, what forest, what name?

Speaker 1:

where can I go? Yeah, no, that they did. Uh, that was a good scene I was wondering how they're gonna do it.

Speaker 1:

and I think they did a good job because it also showed like the basically the end of that scene is um, the Santi, or like you guys are all liars, we can't trust you, and then literally says we fear you. And then the look on Mike Evans, his face, and then him trying to talk to her and she they're not replying. It's like it definitely shows the horror of like. I feel like mike evans was like oh god, what do we? Yeah, what did they just understood? Uh, because to him it's like, yeah, we're, it's normal to lie, but, as uh the santi have said, they don't they communicate it's basically thought so, like you can't hide that and they inherently don't understand it, so they're it's just.

Speaker 1:

It was a very good scene, even like all the other little bits of him talking was very good because, like you can see, like, at least maybe, maybe, because we, I think it's pretty obvious to see that, uh, it's like, oh, they're trying to understand and like you can see where they certain parts where they don't understand, and one of them is definitely like lying and keeping certain thoughts hidden or metaphors, insinuations, like little nuances like that that you get from speech that they do not understand, because that's not how they communicate.

Speaker 2:

So that was very cool and well, yeah, when and when they learn that information, like despite it kind of being like kind of a funny scene from a viewer's perspective, like oh, we could laugh. You know this, this uh, they don't understand what a story is or what a lie is, but from their perspective they're just like wait, we're headed to this planet under the the word of this, you know person that's saying they're helping us. But now we've just learned that words could not mean what they're supposed to mean yeah and like that is, um, it's pretty obvious just with what happens afterwards.

Speaker 1:

But it's such a tonal shift in the fact that, like for the santi, that's when they decide like they become almost maybe they don't become, but they let their agents and certain stuff happen becomes more aggressive where I mean, I don't know if it's in that scene or later where they're like yeah, we can't coexist with you all, aka wipe you all out yeah, they.

Speaker 2:

They say it like at the end of that scene, though like we can't coexist with you they don't say we're gonna like, kill you like, like right now on the spot, but yeah you can infer.

Speaker 2:

They're like no, they're no longer thinking about coexisting um from that point on, because they're like we have no idea what information that you've provided is actually like true to what we know to be true, and they're, they're terrified and um, and I guess that kind of could lead us to one of the a pretty major scene, definitely one of the more uh, what's the word uh?

Speaker 1:

spectacle of a scene which is the boat scene. Um, when they go to panama and they the fiber. I thought it looked great oh my god, this I I always forget that this is like a netflix, so like there's the, they can kind of go all out with what they show and, my god, I'm glad they didn't. I was not expecting it.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad they were on the on the top deck. I think they're playing basketball or something. And then, like I was like oh, please cut to somewhere else on the ship, do not show the kids it just gets like turned into which they don't until like until like the very, very end.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we see uh but that's, oh, it's such a, it's such a horrifying scene. To be honest, you can't see what's happening. Even raj, when he's um, when they're watching, they're like it didn't work, what did you do? He's blaming augie, thinking she sabotaged it, and she's like no, it's working yeah, yeah, like it's, like it's nanofibers you're not gonna see them yeah, and then just people getting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like you said, swiss cheese I I loved the scene, I like I thought it looked great and like it's crazy how much like um whore they're kind of like able to implicate without like showing like crazy violence, because it's just these lines that you just can't even see, but anything that passes through them just gets cut right in half yeah, and so it's like horrifying, but also like visually it's not like super graphic, you just like.

Speaker 2:

It's like. You know that's not like a natural, like like it's not someone's arm getting cut off by a sword.

Speaker 1:

It literally just looks like it splits in two and then they drop yeah, there's, there's a few shots where it's like, but otherwise it's like yeah, it's fine, I guess, because you don't like, you would never see that anyway. Um, and I think it also serves a point, especially with Mike Evans' death, of how I'll say brainwashed, but how committed they are. I know definitely some people are brainwashed, but how committed they are, because even at the end he's like praying basically to the Santi, as he also gets sliced.

Speaker 1:

That was yeah, that was good, that was good. It's very good.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to think All right. So we've kind of talked about, we felt that the show was good. It could have definitely benefited from some more episodes to kind of flesh out some of the know why are the scientists killing each other? And you know um space out these flashbacks. But they kind of moved through at the pace which I think they are deciding what's best, and that kind of led us to getting into some book two and book three storylines in the second half of season one here and I'm curious on your thoughts on do you think that you know it was like appropriate to introduce, you know, project staircase and project wall facer? You know just kind of right away season one and just get them out there and then we'll kind of go into season two with all the aftermath of what these projects like lead to yeah, thinking about it now.

Speaker 1:

There's so much to talk about because they touch on literally almost everything they do um, I will say I think it all depends on how they handle it. Uh, I think touching on it now probably works, just with, clearly, the time constraint, budget constraint, whatever you want to call it, for sure time constraint. But I think it works because you're touching on it and it's um, it's just leading for character development, basically which?

Speaker 1:

is perfectly fine, because if you're going to constrict, let's just say minimum three seasons, um, you at least have the threads for stuff to happen next season. If you want to pick them up, um, you don't have to introduce something too radically different, even though for the books at least, everything's kind of pretty radically different from each other. But at least the threads are there so that people aren't like what's going on and they don't have like, hopefully they don't have another episode one where they rush so fast. It's almost like whiplash, um. But I think, yeah, threads, uh, book two for sure, I get it the way they did.

Speaker 1:

It works fine because, to be fair, saul duran has been nothing until I feel like he's been super minor until like the end, and then you're like okay, so this is where his character will go next, which is um in episode eight, which becomes a wall facer. So I think in that respect it works. Um, I'm not too worried, as long as they they do their best, I guess, is all that matters, you know okay, yeah, I um I like that they introduced.

Speaker 2:

I think they had to introduce a project staircase which, in case uh anyone needs a refresher, that is uh sending will's brain um up into space first it was a probe and then it became, it became, it became a person and the person's too big, so we gotta send just their brain.

Speaker 2:

I think they had to introduce that because, like we talked about earlier with you can't do every season being brand new characters and like just completely removing all the old ones. So in order to do that they had to bring in characters from books one, two and three and kind of introduce them all right away. And so I do think just naturally that's going to have to push the timeline forward for some of these storylines, but I think, like so far it's working, at least for project staircase. And then in the finale we get the wall facers, which kind of an interesting like season finale, because I definitely think our predictions would have been the alien reveal, the three body reveal, of like maybe the main characters figured out the problem by the end of the season and then kind of what they actually did end it on was that like the bugs scene where, like they show the locust and like you know, we've been trying to kill bugs for years with pesticides but you know they're still here.

Speaker 2:

I think that would have been like the predicted ending. But ending on wall facer seems kind of interesting because if they go heavy into the wall facers early in, like season two. I I think this kind of works because I I loved the wall facer storylines like in the book, like just trying to figure out what was going on and like so that this could be a good recipe going forward, because they they introduced it right away. You know, you know what a wall facer is now, and now when you start season two, you kind of just maybe jump right into it yeah and um, I'd have to.

Speaker 1:

I kind of agree with everything you said and for season two, jump right into it you might have have to do. I mean, you don't have to introduce it anymore, you don't need to understand why Saul was picked, you don't need to show it. I should say not understand and just having introduced it, you're not like it's just what you said, we have it. We can just hopefully focus season two mainly on the wall facers. I have a feeling we might have to do a season, two predictions yeah, we will.

Speaker 1:

I'd say, wait for maybe the trailer yeah, towards next year, you know, whenever, whenever yeah, uh, but hopefully season two kicks off running with wall facers and all the whole wall facer program, because it's very cool and, um, it's gonna have to be for another well episode, but it sounds like maybe you don't want to spoil anything, but but who?

Speaker 2:

let's, let's go with this. Uh, so who is your favorite character in uh book two, and who are they being portrayed by here in season one? That?

Speaker 1:

that you didn't really learn characters are. Our favorite character is uh luoji and uh, what is, yeah, what?

Speaker 2:

what's his name, though, in in season one?

Speaker 1:

because uh season one luoji is gonna be saul durand saul durand and I'm gonna be honest, I didn't.

Speaker 2:

I didn't think he was gonna be. I thought he's gonna be like jack, kind of just a side like character to add some, you know, additional relationships to our main characters and like be a help.

Speaker 1:

But uh, yeah no, he's, he's pretty he's pretty important he's had some moments, but I think I can't remember what episode it was, but I was like these I think it's when you texted me what episode eight was, because I didn't finish it till yesterday. Um, but when you texted me the name of episode eight, I'm like I know exactly who they're gonna pick?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, but do you think it's a good pick, like, do you think the actor is like conveying?

Speaker 1:

what luoji was. From what we've seen, I think it'll be fun yeah, I I, I think it'll be good it's not gonna be our our man luoji, but that's because we had like 20 plus hours to like him. I'm looking forward to.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking forward to saul durant in season two, like I, I, I think, uh, his character can kind of perfectly embody. And they, they, they were already nailing it at the end of season one with. He's like all right, I am rejecting the wall facer, oath, I am not a wall facer. And they're all like, yep, we understand, cool. But then they just stay right there with him the entire time he even mentions it. He's like, why are they smiling at me?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, why are you still here? They're smiling at me like I know what's next, or they know what I'm planning.

Speaker 2:

It's just like no, and there's one where he's like so you understand, I've rejected the oath and he's like yep, I completely understand. You've rejected the oath and he just, but he won't leave.

Speaker 1:

He's like yeah, I'm your assistant guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're I'm here to be your uh liaison towards uh, what is it? The planetary defense council, council, yeah, pdc, which was, which we didn't really touch on this, so I'll just bring it up quick, but I feel like that was a lot more prevalent, at least in the, the chinese uh adaptation of the show, and I don't remember the books perfectly, but they definitely were not in this uh, a lot no, so um, I feel like it was called the pdf planetary defense force, or maybe not okay yeah, um.

Speaker 1:

So in the book, like straight on, it's literally um, okay. So if we focus on the show, the show wade is basically the overall guy in charge. In the books, it's literally a planetary defense council which is like, uh, made up of all I want to say mostly the military governments, but most of the most of the governments all band together to make this like kind of a secret force, because they don't want to make it public.

Speaker 1:

It's not public yeah um, and they're basically the ones in charge. So if you transplant wade for them, that's what they'd be um, so they don't do but that, just that just goes into.

Speaker 1:

They needed to introduce wade before season two so they need to give him a role, kind of, and I think that was the best fit and I think you know he works and, um, going back to like the un council thing, where they actually come out publicly is where we're introduced for them in the show, and they were like I think, throughout all three books. They're prevalent and here it seems like maybe only two.

Speaker 1:

But, like I said, wade fills that role so he can kind of be seen as the main guy and even he says it that in the future they'll need him, which is kind of cocky, but whatever we're gonna need you just kind of cocky, but whatever we're gonna need, uh, I just like, and I'm not gonna spoil anything, but I just like the little, the little threads they toss out there, that if only if you've listened or read all three books you'd see where certain stuff is going. Um.

Speaker 1:

But I will say one other thing, just to kind of mirror the PD, uh, in the show, the if you agree with that thought, and the ETO is the Earth Trisolaran Organization in the books, which would be what all the Santi sympathizers, followers, whatever you want to call them would be in the books or in the show, and they have factions in the books. They have factions in the books.

Speaker 2:

I wonder if they kind of looked at that and they're like ah, we don't need a, we don't need factions with, with, amongst these fanatics.

Speaker 1:

You know, let's just yeah let's just have them be, be who they are, I think using the frame of the show and like the books separately, they work for each.

Speaker 2:

I think they could have, but as we've been saying, time constraints is everything if anything it, it would still be possible to see these factions emerge um, in season two. You know, now the, you know earth is aware that, uh, the aliens are coming, so we might see, you know, some factions emerge of like, oh, let's, let's let them take over.

Speaker 1:

And or like, no, no, let's not do that I think it'll turn more into instead of being like the secret. Well, in the books they even call them terrorists. I think, yeah, if, seeing how it's going, it'll probably be like literally like how we have now and it's just like another organization.

Speaker 1:

So you know, instead of a tree hugger you'll have a santi hugger. Santi hugger, so you'll see, probably it'll do into that, versus like the secret organization that, um, it's kind of in the shadows trying to make certain stuff happen. So I I could see why they left it out, like we said, time, but I do feel like it kind of it kind of misses out a pretty, maybe not a big plot point, but like certain character motivations, um, but I don't know, it's nothing major, like the show isn't suffering without it. It's more of a um, more of a.

Speaker 2:

If you know the books, then you're missing out, but it doesn't derail anything as long as yeah, as long as the show is still good, I think that's the ultimate goal. Can we enjoy? Can we enjoy the show and can they tell like a compelling story that is, you know, true to three body, but obviously not a direct like copy of it from the books and then I mean, we kind of touched um, interesting, I guess it might be a time jump, but oh wait, no, it might not be, but never mind, never mind.

Speaker 1:

Uh, I was gonna mention augie, but I think stuff that happens in book two is casually mentioned. Okay, um, what I will say is I do like they kept the scene of clarence talking about you know how we try to kill bugs, I think that's definitely like a good ending, that's a good way, uh, yeah, just because people hope, characters hope yeah, makes them be like, see, we've been trying to do it and they haven't, so even if we are bugs like we can survive.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was good and it makes them want to get to work. I don't know how to work with saul durand, but we'll see. Mr, I don't want to be a wall facer, but I thought it was good.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was good um real. I've got a quick question. Um, just putting the books aside completely. So no, you know just nothing to do with the books. Show only who was your favorite character in season one.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

Was it any of the Oxford Five, or did none of them really truly get enough time?

Speaker 1:

I don't think they got. I like Jack because he was funny.

Speaker 2:

I did like Jack as well, because he was funny. That's a good one.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't say a favorite. I don't think the Oxford Five were favorites. I wouldn't say a favorite. I don't think the Oxford Five are favorites.

Speaker 2:

I've got a. I've got a clear favorite. That I think was the best character in season one are we talking about best character? Yeah, but your best favorite, who is your favorite?

Speaker 1:

I'm saying mine is the favorite my favorite just happens to be the one that I think is one of the better ones. I'll give like a half answer would be wade yep, that's exactly I was gonna say.

Speaker 2:

Thomas wade was by far my favorite character in season one oh wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean half answer. He's my favorite character as well, because he's he's literally plays like kind of the mastermind, but you're understanding his motivations at least for the most part I feel like, I feel like uh liam, uh cunningham, the actor I I I feel like he's perfect for the role he's, he's very good yeah uh, he's just, even though like clearly he's an asshole and you can see the ego and like certain stuff.

Speaker 1:

But you can tell that with all that, like the character, like he probably maybe not character development, but like he's just wait because he's not a main main character.

Speaker 2:

So, like you know, we're not seeing like him, but it's literally, maybe just the acting.

Speaker 2:

I just think he did a presence yeah, he's a presence when he's on screen. I think his line deliveries were great, um, and like I was talking with Prentice when we were watching like he's like arguably one of the most important people like maybe on earth at that point in time, just with, like the defense of the planet. But we were just talking about like how he's so serious all the time but like nonchalant about it, and the scene with uh raj and he's he's like all right, raj opening the window I got, I got three minutes for you.

Speaker 2:

And then but he starts by saying but oh, you know, it's stuffy in here, open that window. And then raj is like oh, this is a test, I can't, it's a window that won't open, and he just walks over there. He gets up, opens it, sits down, and when he sits down he goes, you've got two minutes. Rush like yeah, it was just perfect delivery. Like I just feel like wade's character. Whenever he was on screen you were like interested. You're like oh, this guy, this guy means business. But he's also just doesn't come across as like you know, too anal about things.

Speaker 1:

It's just he's definitely not a nice guy, and that comes out with like certain comments, but he just nails and obviously it's Liam Cunningham. So he, he's just he's he's a scene stealer, that's for sure, yeah, and.

Speaker 2:

I said show only because I truly, truly wanted to like dash the best, but I just there's not enough time of him trying to uncover this mystery like he's just such a minor character for that's what for most of it.

Speaker 1:

I meant to say he was my half answer of being a favorite and it you know he, we do see at the end.

Speaker 2:

You know he's gonna be the protector for, for saul duran, so he's he's got. He might have a bigger role going forward here, but I wanted I wanted him to be my favorite character, but yeah, he's okay, yeah, he yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Um, who? Uh, there's one thing that you mentioned. Oh, this is like super minor. But uh, when his, when clarence's son shows him like his idea, I'm just like in my when talking about like, oh, you invest in this, so then later down the line we could, could build these ships. I'm like this man like isn't an engineer, isn't a rocket scientist? Yeah, like what, we could just build a fund, like that's how that works. I had that super minor but I remember I was like if I was Clarence, I'd be like man, get this out of my face, get this out of here.

Speaker 1:

It's random, but I remember I was just like what does this man have?

Speaker 2:

like you're just making ship designs and you're like this is what it's gonna be one day, yeah, okay I also, I also wanted, I wanted augie like and it goes back to it, I'll say it a thousand times if just more episodes, more time, but like, truly like getting Augie's perspective early on and like making me like fear for her life with the countdown. I think she could, she, I think she could have been an amazing character. And instead it was kind of just like we're gonna rush through this early stuff and, you know, get to the stuff that we think the viewers are going to be interested in, which it seems like you know they, they have a idea with that.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, I think she definitely feels like she serves for literally this for now. Who knows what in the future?

Speaker 2:

but just the only purpose yeah, was the nano which is a shame which is a shame it.

Speaker 1:

I mean not to spoil or like talk about the book again, but that is kind of what, um uh book one character, long long mao, um his, I mean obviously he's only literally in the first book, but he's kind of has bigger impact, that we'll see what happens in season two.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's the same big contribution of the nanofibers, but it's just like he's a main character, whereas Augie's kind of just like she's part of the Oxford Five, which are the main characters, but you really don't spend that much time like with just her.

Speaker 1:

I feel like Anytime you do, yeah, like she's with someone else or like she's drinking, except for the end when she's helping.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she's in Mexico, right, Helping people. Yeah, she's in mexico, right helping. Yeah, she's in mexico um shout out arkie making filters for their wells. That is important stuff. So I there, there definitely could be storylines for her uh going forward. They could. They could definitely like keep her around it's just a wish a wish of mine to have visited the countdown more thoroughly.

Speaker 1:

But I think we unless you have more to talk about I feel like we've touched on a lot. There's certain stuff I don't know if you've noticed I've been purposely avoiding, just because.

Speaker 2:

I think we could talk about this forever, but I do think, uh, that this is probably a good stopping point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah we're going for like an hour.

Speaker 2:

But we should, uh, we should definitely uh consider some you know season two predictions or some you know true, like in-depth looks at the book um and compare that to the show um for episodes.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, for sure. So I mean, you know, we'll definitely probably have more three-body content. I do want to make, have another episode for talking about like the actual differences, but we both, I think, kind of want to go back and like re-listen, or I it's been well over.

Speaker 2:

I don't even remember when I listened to a year about it, yet yeah, it's been, so we'd want to to do it justice.

Speaker 1:

We want to go and re-listen and I was already planning to after the show, to be honest just to re um, re-familiarize myself, um. But later on we'll definitely be making more content for three body, um, one of them will definitely be differences and we'll highlight we won't probably go too insane, but like major, major points, yeah, we'll probably have to do book one and two would be my guess a little bit of two or just just whatever is shown in the show. Talk about how it's different in the book, um, but that's for the future um, so, yeah, we've, uh, hopefully you enjoyed our, our free discussion.

Speaker 1:

I know we jump around a lot, but it's I mean, we don't really have a structure to it. We just like talking about stuff we like watching and or stuff we didn't like watching, which sometimes happens. But, um, yeah, so that was us talking about. Uh, the three body problem on netflix. Hopefully we get more than two seasons and they don't cancel it just because they love canceling after two seasons. Fingers crossed, I almost honestly, I would love, I could see oh man, it's tough like, hopefully three seasons, I would love four, just for, like we've mentioned time, but, um, at least three, give us three. One for, yeah, each kind of section. At least three, give us three, one for each kind of section, each book, basically, even though this one's a little weird, yeah, so that was us talking about Netflix's three-body problem. Just a random shout-out. Make sure you, if you want more, read the books If you're interested.

Speaker 1:

I think we talked about this, but there is a chinese show, um, also three body problem. Uh, I'm not sure. Jacob checked, I think he said recently where it used to all be on youtube. You'd have weird copyright issues with getting around certain audio, but there is a chinese show you can watch which I think we were both kind of liking. Ah see, now it makes me want to talk about that. But maybe in the future we'll do the Netflix versus Chinese show. But if you want to watch that, otherwise that's, I've been your host, john. Thank you for joining us. Here's Jacob.

Speaker 2:

Say goodbye, jacob, adios everyone, thank you. Thanks for listening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we'll catch you on the next one.

Reviewing Three-Body Problem Netflix Series
Discussion on TV Show Adaptation
VR and Mystery in Sci-Fi
Visual Sci-Fi Adaptations Discussion
Analysis of TV Show Episodes
Discussion on Season One and Predictions
Discussing Favorite Characters in Three-Body Problem