3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews

Why you should be excited for Netflix's "3 Body Problem"

3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews Episode 4

Ready to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos and uncover the thrills of a murder mystery wrapped in a science fiction enigma? Join us as we dissect the trailer for the upcoming Netflix series adaptation of "Three-Body Problem." We delve into the narrative intricacies and examine how the series might navigate the high expectations set by Liu Cixin's original work. We're not just fans; we're avid explorers of the universe Cixin created, eager to discuss character transformations and the crucial scenes that have us perched on the edge of our seats.

We're tapping into our book knowledge to forecast how the series might breathe life into the story's pivotal moments.

As the final countdown to the series launch begins, our excitement is as boundless as the universe itself. Strap in and get ready for the next epic saga on television.

Speaker 1:

Hey everyone and welcome back to another episode. I'm your host, john, with me today. It's my co-host Jacob.

Speaker 2:

What's happening?

Speaker 1:

We will be talking about the three-body problem trailer by Netflix, and we're just gonna give our thoughts and Reasons why we're excited and why we think you should be excited to watch the show too. So three-body problems just like a science fiction novel written by Lou Sushin, and it gets super convoluted, but so we'll just keep it out as a science fiction novel, and yeah. So where do you want to go from there, jake?

Speaker 2:

Well, let's address the elephant in the room that the showrunners are D&D from Game of Thrones, john and Game of Thrones kind of had a rough ending. But we've been talking and maybe that's not the worst thing. What do you think?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I remember we talked about, obviously after Game of Thrones ended and then We've talked about it a bunch ever since we first I don't know what was it like two years ago we found out about Netflix making it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that they were attached.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the announcement was a while ago it was, and and I think we've both gone in the conclusion that, as long as they stay as close as they can to the source material, they do a great job.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I was thinking, you know, game of Thrones, seasons one to four were probably the four best seasons of Game of Thrones and that's when they were sticking really close to the source material of books, like one to three or whatever that lines up to, and they did a great job with that. And Three body problem. The series is finished, so they've got the source material. They have all the answers that this author wanted to go with, so I'm actually not worried. I think that they're gonna do a pretty good job with this.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. I think they'll be fine. Everything's written for them. Clearly, they're really good at adapting from the source material. There's gonna be changes which will go through oh yeah, which I forgot to say. There's gonna be minor spoilers, but nothing Related really to the plot, just some like character changes, stuff like that. Nothing that'll take away from Any surprises in the show that might happen or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we won't be. We won't be spoiling any major Plot points or endings or anything like that, but I would recommend watching the trailer if you haven't already the three body problem official trailer because I I was actually a very big fan of this trailer, like some of the. The music in it and just kind of the scenes that they Selected from the books got me pretty excited and I'm looking forward to watching the show when it comes out in March.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, the trailer was. I remember there's a teaser which I thought was the trailer, but I guess that was just a teaser and I was like I don't know, it looks weird, but this trailer is actually has me pretty excited. It's a it's kind of got a murder mystery vibe to it, which I really like, and we'll have to just see how they handle the entire book.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so three bodies is is such a unique science fiction book where you're dealing with very science Fiction stuff and then you're also going to be dealing with they're kind of gonna have. If you noticed in the Trailer they've got these headsets that they put on and they're going in to play a game and that's in like a completely different time era. So it's really hard to like stitch together a trailer with all these like different science fiction elements and just have a Viewer that has no knowledge, just a complete, you know, lay person to the world of three body. And you got to put this trailer together to try to get them interested. So I'm actually interested to see what other people that have not read the series think about this trailer, because there's a lot going on, but to me it looks very good.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, yeah, no, for sure, it's like the book, well, okay. Well, how the show will probably go is you have like a origins type. You can call it flat, it depends how they take it, like flashbacks, or there's like a past point which kind of sets up what's going on, Sort of you're getting clues but you don't know what's going on, and then present day you're following. We don't know exactly, but in the show I think the main character which if we want to talk about now, is like the I think the one thing I'd we both might not like is there the main character kind of, I think, is getting split into multiple characters.

Speaker 2:

Looking like that, that's a possibility, real quick, not to cut you off completely.

Speaker 1:

But what is?

Speaker 2:

the actress's name like I ease a Gonzales or I I'm. I'm probably pronouncing that wrong and that's gonna happen a lot as we talk about some of these characters, but at least for the actress I, I think it's like I ease a Gonzales or something. I believe she's being casted as, like the main character, which in the books is, is Wong meow, who is a male. So they're obviously switching genders and nationalities there and it might be getting split, as you said, john.

Speaker 1:

So you yeah, which is, I mean, the whole gender and is fine, but like I really I mean I don't know, I still like the original one character, but we'll see how they do it. But yeah, so, like I said it was, there's a past part that sets up the story or like with kind of clues what's going on, then the main timeline, I guess like present day, and then the game part, which is where everything kind of kind of goes nuts, and even in the books I think that'll be something that'll be easier to see than, like when you're reading it or listening to it on audible.

Speaker 2:

Very true, very true.

Speaker 1:

Because on that there's like so much and like confusing stuff going on that it's kind of hard to visualize until, like, either you reread it or re-listen to it a few times to fully understand, like, what the heck is going on in here. But that's kind of how I would assume they're going to follow that, and they do show it off in the trailer, which is cool.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, no, I think, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

You can if you want, if you know how to tackle this trailer, then go ahead.

Speaker 2:

So John is completely right that the books, there's a lot of technical terms in the book and there's just a lot of information kind of being thrown at you, and that can be overwhelming. And I think you just made an excellent point, though, that the show is going to be able to show, instead of tell, literally like they're going to be able to show you things without just dumping like a bunch of information and technical terms all at once, and I think the show should be able to do just a good job of separating, you know, past timeline from the present. As well as that, you know game world, that game timeline, and I think it'll all be pretty easy to distinguish just based on the visuals that we see in the trailer, and I think that's going to be perfect for the, you know, new viewers, because if you got to make sure that they can tell like this is different and you know, but also it's connected to the main story.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, that, and then not only is just like understanding what, because you're not going to understand what's going on in the game.

Speaker 2:

Really it's meant to like it's slowly going to learn a puzzle. They got to figure it out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, it's a puzzle, but at least being able to see it is way better than reading it, because it's just like oh my god, you're like wait a minute.

Speaker 2:

What's going on here? What?

Speaker 1:

is happening. But you did say something that shoot. I lost it, but no, the trailer. So if we go back, I don't know the trailer it's got us excited, I think it's. Oh, there you go. How the confusing topics. So I think for the most part. So three body problem is three book series. I think the whole series is called a remembrance of Earth's past. That sounds right, but don't quote us I think that's what the whole thing is.

Speaker 1:

But so three, three books, the first book being three body problem, and I think the first book stays really kind of grounded in very much so, yeah, and realistic science fiction and the fact, like science, it's doing its handling issues with real science for the most part, so nothing crazy, so we won't have to worry too much about that. Some concept will be pretty out there in terms of like I mean, we're not like astrophysicists or whatever, so a lot of stuff you'll be learning for the first time and they'll obviously like simplify it for us. But having a show versus reading, like we've said a bunch, is just way better for all of this. So, no, it's cool and just from the trailer you kind of get you're going to be following. Basically the big thing is not really a spoiler because it's kind of dealt with immediately, but You're essentially following a character or characters trying to figure out why these scientists are being murdered, and for the first book, I think it kind of follows that all the way through, if I'm correct.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and the trailer does a good job of like, like you said earlier, you said this like it gives out that mystery kind of crime, vibe almost, and that is a lot of what you know the book is and it's. You know that that question hopefully gets new viewers interested in being like oh, why are all these scientists dying? And in the trailer I like I love one of those opening scenes where you know he just walks into the room and there's just a bunch of numbers written on the wall in blood.

Speaker 2:

And it's like and it's like what is going on in here.

Speaker 1:

And then obviously they show the main, who's going to be the main character, like she sees the numbers to so clearly, like you wonder why she's targeted. Yeah, you're wondering.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so we, you're going to be following a scientist who is also seeing these numbers and in the trailer, as they revealed, you know, there's a bunch of scientists like seeing this. So it's like what? Like I'm already interested, like I know it happens that I'm like I want to see how these characters react to this countdown, because it's it's very interesting, very unique.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, no it's. I think obviously we're biased. So, like, oh very, we're going to have to ask friends to watch the trailer and see what they think. Yes, but it just has me excited being able to, like, visually, see the story, even though we know where it's going. And if, if I were you, unless you wanted to binge, like, try to read the first book and like, before the show, you got to go in like not looking anything up, it'd be, it'll be perfect.

Speaker 1:

Like, if you're not going to, like, yeah, finish the book. And by March, like just watch this whole off of looking stuff up. Oh, okay, and just go in blind. Yeah, so experience everything for the first time.

Speaker 2:

Before we did start recording. I did text my brother and one other buddy to watch the trailer before we started recording. So if they respond to me, I'll hit you with what their reactions to the trailer are, and if they're interested because they have not read the books. But real quick, we're talking about like why, why new viewers should be excited. So one of my favorite characters in the books was Dashi, who is going to be playing.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Is that the correct pronunciation? I don't know it's. It's hard, oh we should.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so Uh, pronunciations are tough because it's a Chinese book, um, and then translate it over to English and then in the audible there's like weird pronunciation issues.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got different narrators pronouncing it different.

Speaker 1:

And and then just there's like a lot of characters and because it's in their Chinese names it gets a little convoluted. So apologies if we pronounce stuff wrong, but we're doing our best.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, good. But yeah, the detective yeah, he was one of my favorites. One of my favorites, and he's going to be played by Benedict Wong who, which is great which I yeah, I think we both agree that that was going to be a good um casting choice. But for everyone listening, there is a Chinese version of this show that already has been made, at least one season, and we started watching that. We haven't finished, but I really liked it it's long it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was long. It's like 30 episodes and they're not short. And it's also kind of weird because, um, you can watch them on YouTube. So, to get around copyright, sometimes there's just like random music playing.

Speaker 2:

It's like oh my God what is going on? Yeah, yeah. So we, we haven't finished, Maybe, maybe I will um but I think we will make a podcast. I did enjoy the actor that played Dasha in that as well.

Speaker 2:

I like his like he was good, yeah, he had like the perfect amount of like he's a very like a serious detective, but then also just like, perfectly like, perfectly placed jokes, like there was a scene when they're walking to the car and then the dudes just goes to get in and Dasha had locked the door and he never, like he couldn't open it. It was like just little stuff like that that just, you know, gives the character some personality.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, it's just a almost kind of like a gruff, uh like the stereotype gruff detective, not no nonsense, kind of um but also just with a good sense of humor. And he will be well if the show follows that he is. He's a side, like, uh, not the main character, but he's like present yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I I'm happy that we got Benedict Wong, who I think is a is a talented actor and I think he could be perfect for the role. Um but you never know.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, um, I just saw something for the cast that I will not mention, which we'll talk about after, but oh wait, no, actually shoot, never mind, maybe.

Speaker 2:

Uh, type it in, yeah.

Speaker 1:

I shouldn't. I shouldn't have looked at the cast.

Speaker 2:

Let's just do that Um oh okay, maybe a future spoiler, guys, so maybe we won't cover that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Well, I was going to mention some of the characters and I was like, all right, well, who's the game of thrones? Game of thrones, Alam.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we got a couple of, so we don't have to maybe spoil who they play, but there's definitely some game of thrones actors that are going to be in this. We got, uh, who? Who was it the actor that plays Davos? I think Liam Cunningham.

Speaker 1:

Davos yeah, davos is in it.

Speaker 2:

And then um was it Samuel Tarly as a actor.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, samuel Tarly is in it, uh, and I think it might be. Oh and um, is it uh, maester Picell?

Speaker 2:

I think is also. Yeah, I think that's who it is, one of the maesters. I think you're right, I remember. I. I don't remember, oh no not Picell, uh wait is it?

Speaker 1:

it might be the, uh, the priest guy.

Speaker 2:

The high sparrow.

Speaker 1:

The high sparrow.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so they're bringing so. D and D are bringing over their, their, you know go to guys, you know some people yeah, they're bringing over some, some heavy hitters, because those are those are three pretty big roles for for game of thrones.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, but I don't even like having an outside source or outside view of the trailer is interesting.

Speaker 2:

If only our third member was here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, we also kind of did it without him.

Speaker 2:

But True, I don't think he would have wanted to do it, though.

Speaker 1:

No, we kind of also on the fly, decided to do this.

Speaker 2:

This is three dudes, one mic minus a dude. Yeah, yeah, um, do you, do you have anything specific? Otherwise, there is a moment in the trailer that I kind of want to say like I'm excited for and I feel like I don't know, maybe Go for it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So if you are watching the trailer or you want to pull it up real quick, if you click to 108, that's the scene I'm going to be referencing and basically you have two of our characters that kind of are walking outside and they looked up and they see the uh, the like the whole sky like flashing, and you see all the stars and like just the like outer space is basically flashing and even like I know what happens, john, you know what happens but just seeing like there's certain scenes when you read the book that you're like, oh yeah, that would be kind of crazy.

Speaker 2:

But then when you bring him to like that big screen or you bring him to TV, like seeing some of those scenes that you read, you're like, oh wow, that was like I said, it was crazy in my head, but like just watching it, like that would be so messed up to see yeah, and like um, just like the big budget, cgi.

Speaker 1:

Being able to see it is like oh, and then there's just like so more Um to see later, even in like this book, but for sure. But in the later books it's just like oh, I can't wait to Actually be able to visualize it or at least see someone's. Hopefully it'll be like a similar interpretation that we also like when you're reading it. Yeah, about but it still would be cool to see at least even someone else's interpretation of Like stop just getting to see it yeah. Yeah, game changer.

Speaker 2:

So if you are still listening and if there is a comment section on whatever platform, you're listening to this too and you haven't read the books, quick predictions Let us know what you think is going on and why they're walking out and seeing that in the sky, because If you guess it right, I probably won't believe you. Yeah, I'll be like huh, someone used google someone yeah, someone just did a quick Look into the books real quick.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, but no, I think just I know we're just so biased because of reading it, Um, but like I, I do hope they stick with the murder mystery angle for a bit. Um, if not the whole show, I think that would be.

Speaker 2:

Uh, I think that would be able to draw in a good chunk of viewers. If the first like three episodes, I don't even know how many episodes it is.

Speaker 2:

But like I don't know if you can, if you can, hook people in those first two, three episodes on, like Trying to like get them in, invested in like oh, like, why is this happening? And like well, this is a detective. I like cop shows you know that's a pretty popular genre like try to get those, you know, viewers who normally wouldn't dabble Into like crazy science fiction, and just kind of try to Hook them in with something they're comfortable with in that like detective, murder mystery crime genre type. Uh, vibe, I think that could be good.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

With some pretty stunning looking visuals. If I will say, dude.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the visuals do look good in this trailer, which even the.

Speaker 1:

I'm curious because in the trailer it might not do a justice, but Uh, I'm curious if they'll keep the game looking a little different. Um, I mean because I'm. They're obviously gonna like show us like whenever people enter the game, but in the trailer there's a few shots that look a little wonky, more like when they're showing a bunch of People in one. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it'll still be cool to be able to have a visual for what's going on in the game. Hey, if lord of the rings can render.

Speaker 2:

Armies I I hopefully can. I hope we can do it here too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and uh, I mean I, I don't know what else to say other than all right, you know, yeah, because we don't want to spoil too much If watch the trailer watch the trailer.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully that gets interested, because I do think it is a good trailer. Um, and then there is three books. There is three books and John was saying earlier that book one is kind of grounded science fiction. So even if you're not like a super big fan of like crazy science, super futuristic-y stuff, this is not that in in book one. It's a lot more grounded.

Speaker 1:

For the most part.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for the most part for the most part it's science fiction, still so like it's not, like you know, modern day, what's happening like on earth right now, but I Still think that it's. The second book was my favorite and like introduced a lot of cool concepts and so I I'm hoping and like one of the coolest characters. Yeah, probably the best character in the series.

Speaker 1:

By one of the best written ones too. Yeah, it's just, if we're, if we're gonna sideline uh dash, um Just cuz I mean he, I mean, he's a good character in the book because he's president, he's like a cool detective in the first book but, um, in the second book, the main character and I I really hope that will. It won't like make me stop watching it, but I will be like, ah, come on, guys, if the second book, if they like, don't include that character because he's just so pivotal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they can't split him up, you can't. Yeah, so basically, basically we're saying we are excited for Potential future seasons of this show as well, like there is a lot of future potential with three body problems.

Speaker 1:

So I don't see them not making like it would have to have no one watching it. It would have to flop really badly.

Speaker 2:

But but see it like the first book and season one of this show which will probably cover in most of book one, hopefully all of it and like it. You know, correlate correspond, but it's yeah, it should be good and that gives you know them the the go ahead to do more seasons and there's so much cool stuff that's gonna happen in this universe that I really hope we see get to come to the To TV for those visuals, because a lot of crazy stuff happens that I want to see visualized.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so yeah, just like you said. So book one is grounded. Book two would just the concepts, concepts go insane and the third is just like it. I don't even know how to describe it without spoiling, but it's just like okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, ultra.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, no.

Speaker 2:

Watch, watch, watch the trailer if you haven't already watch season one when it comes out.

Speaker 1:

The first March 21st.

Speaker 2:

March 21st. Give it a go, because it honestly is. It's. It's a, it's a great story with some really good characters and yeah, go ahead and watch it, john. Any other Closing thoughts here? Last the topics you want to bring up Um no, I don't think so.

Speaker 1:

I think we covered. It's kind of hard to make a Try not to spoil just off a two minute two and a half minute trailer.

Speaker 1:

Hopefully we did it justice. Hopefully our excitement comes through and hopefully the trailer. For those that aren't familiar with the Books, the universe are also excited to watch it. But I think that's it for us. We'll catch you on another episode. We will probably. I don't know if Kyler will be part of it, but I know for sure Jacob and I will definitely be making a podcast, for I don't know how we'll break it down, but we'll for sure make a podcast on the three-body problem show.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, for sure, be on the lookout for some three-body episodes, depending on if they do weekly releases or if they release like four of the episodes and then they make you wait two weeks, like they sometimes do but yeah. We'll definitely. Once those first few episodes drop, we'll definitely be doing an episode to cover that.

Speaker 1:

Yep, all right. Well, thanks for listening. I'm Jacob.

Speaker 2:

I'm John.

Speaker 1:

No, I'll see you later. No.