3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews

Diving Deep into Marvel's Secret Invasion (Episodes 1-3)

3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews Episode 3

Buckle up, Marvel fans! Prepare to dive headfirst into the thrilling world of Marvel's Secret Invasion series. This episode pledges to illuminate the hidden corners of the show's first three episodes. We're unwrapping the intricate espionage elements, voicing our apprehensions about the possible revelation of characters as Skrulls, and weaving in our thoughts on Nick Fury's journey post-The Blip. Also, we're pondering the intriguing prospects of a podcast exploring Season One. 

Join us as we pull apart the differences, and reflect on how the inclusion of Skrulls could influence the dynamics between characters. The episode also dissects the beguiling concept of Super Skrull technology, actor contracts, and the curious instance of Nick Fury's uncharacteristic outburst.

In the realm of Skrulls, impersonation is a game-changer. Tune in as we ponder the consequences of Skrulls masquerading as humans for personal gain, and the repercussions should their cover be blown. We're questioning the dynamics when Skrulls don't recognize each other, and the implications of Super Skrull technology. This is a riveting conversation you don't want to miss! 


Speaker 1:

Welcome back to another episode. I am your host, john, with me, or my co-host Kyler.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And Jacob, what's up? Nothing. We're gonna be talking about secret invasion episodes one to three for that midseason recap. Anyone want to start off? I want to take it away.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, what have you got for a strong?

Speaker 1:

So episodes one, so okay let's start off with how do we feel about the series so far?

Speaker 3:

I Am enjoying the series so far. I like kind of the the spy, you know, espionage, I kind of feel to the show, you know not a lot of like humor, feel good and not to say that I don't like that, but I just I like the change of pace from what we're getting, you know, a she-hulk and Miss Marvel. It's not ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

Yeah and I and I've just been been enjoying and I think my main hope going forward is that they don't take away too much from past events by, you know, revealing certain characters as scrolls. I kind of hope that we get an explanation going forward on Exactly when it happened, because I don't want to keep reading theories about like what if this character's been you know For so long. So that's all I'm feeling.

Speaker 1:

That's actually to latch on to that real quick. That's actually been my like. I Wouldn't say like, yeah, I guess I will. I'll say that's been. My biggest negative of the scrolls idea is that They'll just be like haha, this guy was a scroll the entire time and it kind of to me it would kind of ruin, depending on the character, like what they've done.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and.

Speaker 1:

I think to me, I think that's like.

Speaker 3:

My hope is that we kind of do get an explanation and it doesn't like Make us Be like, wow, that moment in X movie was, was not, you know, significant anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's been like my whole. Biggest concern with the scrolls is just negating everything someone has done. But I will say overall, like I kind of agree with your points, has been the humor has been, let's say, tame and the fact that it's not like every, every other line. It feels pretty natural, I'd say, and so far the series, I've enjoyed it. It's kind of it's weird to say that it's grounded, but I feel like it's kind of grounded, even though you're dealing with aliens. And I kind of do like the route they've taken with Nick fury In the terms that he's dealing with, first the blip Are getting turned to dust and then coming back from the blip and clearly he hasn't dealt with that trauma yet.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we're getting to see that kind of the whole.

Speaker 1:

The whole series seems like a whole ramification of him just Deciding to be like alright, peace, I don't want to deal with this, let me go do something else. And coming back and like, oh, I have to face my consequences now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I like that.

Speaker 1:

Why you, kyler I?

Speaker 2:

I mean I'm liking it so far. I think there's some cool stuff in it. I Don't really have much else to say other than that, to be honest, really. Yeah, I mean I was wondering why we're recording this. I don't know if just this show or not. Just the way like it scrolls and anything can happen, anything to be like I, literally anything can happen. So I don't know where it's going by. I I'm liking it, I guess.

Speaker 1:

It's not a low key for you were. You absolutely hated it. No, what there's obvious low keys.

Speaker 3:

The best Marvel show guys, wait, that's what you talk about us turn this into a low he hates podcast.

Speaker 2:

I can say a lot about that.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, if you wanted to the soft topic, but I Mean we could do a low key Hate well for you, because I thought low key was fine.

Speaker 3:

I think we should do a low key podcast and I think, but we should rewatch Season one.

Speaker 2:

We should do it before right before season two, yeah, I don't want to watch it. I've seen it three times.

Speaker 3:

I Know my thoughts on that, naturally well, I will need to rewatch it, so Did you rewatch it because you were like I need to know if I don't if I truly like it or if I don't like it.

Speaker 2:

I watched it once on my own. I've watched part of it again. I watched it again with my dad, that's when. I was like yeah, this is that makes sense? I 100% confirming everything I thought about it. I.

Speaker 1:

Hate that we're not turning this into a low key podcast. Yeah, I do have, I do have a lot of.

Speaker 2:

I See a bunch of different directions that can go with secret invasion. But I mean could just talk forever about that and feel like I'd get lost or a chair, I thought. But one thing I did just think of that I think would be cool, as if low key was a scroll.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 2:

I think that'd be cool and also, I guess this is something to say I'm just spitballing here, but you guys are talking about how you don't want people to be revealed. The scrolls, because it undoes, undoes moments and character development, some stuff, and I'm like on the complete opposite side of that.

Speaker 3:

I don't think it changes much, because so can I just jump in to clarify what exactly I mean though? Yes, yeah, I so. I'm okay with like scroll reveals, but like I want them to at least show us, or somehow we need to know, like when it happened, because like mm-hmm if it's just like oh, they're a scroll and we don't know how long for it.

Speaker 3:

Like I just don't want to see those theories of like, well, x movie changes because of this. Like I just I'm okay with the reveal, I just want to know, like when it happened.

Speaker 2:

Are you saying you don't want people to speculate and talk about it and complain?

Speaker 3:

That's one big thing. Because I can see what you're saying about that If we don't know, like I don't know, I feel like I would just be irritated and be like All right, I don't know if we've said this yet, but Spoilers, spoilers ahead for episodes one through three. I don't know if we said that. No, I also didn't say last episode, right, so spoilers ahead here but the end of episode three, I think, is almost guaranteeing that Rode is a scroll, so like mm-hmm.

Speaker 3:

I don't want like like specific moments in like infinity war and endgame. I think that takes away a lot of like his character interactions with Iron man and other characters by saying like oh, it was a scroll. And Then it's like, well, that kind of you know will make me, not, you know, that'll make me. I don't think that.

Speaker 2:

Changes anything about. I mean, yeah, I would think of differently after the fact I don't.

Speaker 3:

But like a scroll like why would a scroll pretend like I don't? I guess like because they have to. Advance over like just thinking specifically of like when Iron man dies, like, like that's a huge moment between Iron man and Rode, like. And if they were to be like oh, that was a scroll, like, well, fuck, okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, I would even say sooner, sorry, I'll even say sooner is like if Rode is a scroll in Civil War. I feel like that kind of makes his, that almost make Tony's reaction to when he becomes paralyzed kind of I Don't know, to me like lessens it because it's not actually his no way a scroll.

Speaker 2:

That doesn't lessen it I.

Speaker 1:

Think it's a person or his friend.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they are like saying anything you've experienced with me, or.

Speaker 2:

Jacob, would like not feel the same in that moment. If you learn we were, or if we were to scroll other ways or a different person, whatever like you don't think so, let's say like I think it.

Speaker 1:

Well, okay, well, iron Man's dead, so but like, imagine if he was alive and found that out. It's like I feel like it would make an impact. It's like you're not actually the roadie that I was friends with.

Speaker 3:

I mean it changes, but, like those emotions, everything that's already happened still has happened and it's like, yeah, it's not changing like they did happen and they were real, but like I'm just on the side that like it takes it, it takes away from it, like in just in my mind, like maybe that's like just a personal thing, where I'm okay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can see a lot of people thinking that too. Yeah, but I feel like it. I do hope I had someone else say I was gonna say I feel like it doesn't change the past but it can change the future of like the story moving forward. That makes sense that's very like.

Speaker 1:

I think my biggest, maybe my biggest concern with scrolls and I know it's a comic book movie, but is if, like, they bring back someone that died, that would probably I wouldn't like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah bring it back like not that.

Speaker 1:

I don't think it'd be possible, because you know how they kind of shown, how they get all their memories and stuff. Okay is the out.

Speaker 2:

I don't think okay so this is a question I've had. Let me stop you right there, let's, that's like. I feel like that's to impersonate someone and be like a deep undercover scroll, like these government positions and possibly rhodian stuff. Yeah, but we saw in captain marvel that they can literally shape shift line of sight yeah, I think it's almost like right separate abilities.

Speaker 3:

We're like yeah, one is like oh, I've seen what you look like, I can replicate that. And then another ability is like what if I have access to your like mind or memories and like I can make contact? Be that person now I can gain your memories as well yeah.

Speaker 2:

So like you could bring back, like bringing back people, you could bring back iron man and look like iron man. But if you like have a conversation with someone or like get the question in them down, like trying to figure out if there's a scroll or not, they'll crack because they don't have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah okay, see, but I still, yeah, I see that that it's two different things.

Speaker 2:

I just don't know how, like in the back my mind, some like they've established this well, because I would expect them like, okay, they can't.

Speaker 1:

I mean they can shape shift into one of the Avengers, but obviously they wouldn't have the powers so far, so far, mm-hmm. But like I was thinking, like I see I was my in my head, but now I could see that doesn't work because everybody knows she's dead, is a black widow or is she dead? To the public, maybe not.

Speaker 3:

I think so. I feel like the public would know, or what she's like never mind then she's behind the actual red room whatever was called the Russian for

Speaker 1:

black widow to put your tin foil hats on everyone and yes, it was yeah all right well, so we are jumping over the place, we don't have to go and like oh what up like let's talk about episode one, let's talk about two, three. I will say I don't know if this is a disappointment, but I kind of don't like that. Maria Hill just gets got. It's an episode one right away did she see, okay, see, I was also thinking the same thing like you don't see her die, like well, actually you do, but I think she did a lot.

Speaker 1:

I must you expect him to pull like so fury does where he's dead every other time?

Speaker 3:

so. I guess like here's. Here's the question. Like if, if she's not dead? If she's not dead, like what is the long-term play of faking her funeral to like her family members and all that? Like what's the long-term play and the need to do that if she's still alive?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, because I was probably like that.

Speaker 3:

I I don't see a long-term play. I I think she's dead. That's just my like gut feeling right now.

Speaker 1:

I? I don't think I think she's dead, because we do see her die.

Speaker 2:

Well, for the most part she does also see to tie this kind of an, a nice little bow tie. We see I Fred her name. The daughter died.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I don't think she's dead. So what's the difference?

Speaker 1:

well, the difference was there was a long, like long shot, on Maria Hill and the difference with Gaia. Emily Clark's character is a. Amelia Clark, not Emily, is a. It's kind of like a quick, like she got shot and then morphed. But we don't actually like see her just be there for like 20 seconds or whatever. I don't know, maybe I think I think well, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I think we're all thinking too much, and they've been very very conscious in the way they've been showing deaths okay on screen actually they yeah, I saw that, because who else I, I can?

Speaker 3:

I know there's been at least two deaths on screen, one of them was yeah, but if you're thinking about all the other deaths and how they're showing the car, dying in humans dying.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we took the scroll out of the car he gets shot in the foreground. They don't really show what happens when he dies. It's like when he died not showing us what is happening to keep it all secret and so I think, anything can happen, that's anything could.

Speaker 1:

I guess we'll find out in episode four if she actually well, maybe in four if she actually died, but I don't know. To me it seems such a like I maybe it's because it's such it's a six series episode or six episode series that I'm like gosh, you can't be dead. We just got introduced to her yeah and that would also kind of apply to Maria Hill. If we're using that, if I'm using that logic, I I mean focusing on guy.

Speaker 2:

I don't think she's dead, cuz I mean she could have took some super scrolls here and beforehand she gave a bulletproof vesta and that's why she didn't want to turn around. She purposely shaped shipping to a scroll.

Speaker 3:

And being true, and I got a stretch, if I think, if you look at the logistics, yet you don't hire Amelia.

Speaker 1:

Clark to do three episodes.

Speaker 2:

Pull up the credits. Right now. I want to say one thing I did really like about the first episode in Maria Hill dying. If she dies and the first thing you see after that is guest star like that was good it's like, yeah, let's just sit there and you're like, oh, oh, no, that's that's part of the reason, like where I think that could add to the argument of like I mean, if they're doing that is misdirection good for them.

Speaker 3:

But to me it's like this is only six episodes and like she's arguably she is the closest character to Fury that we knew of before the series like what would hurt him the most is that, and I feel like that that was setting the table being like these are the stakes, this is how serious it is. You know, this is how bad they want to hurt Fury true, I'm looking through, just gonna get Martin Freeman was also a special guest star. Yeah, they had.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so Martin Freeman, and I can't think what's Maria Hills? Actresses name Kobe coby small, yeah, so they were both listed as guest stars. Episode one. Episode two had Kobe. Episode three has none no guest stars, yeah, so and if we're just doing like per episode appearance is Amelia carves only been in one more episode than coby smolder, so I think that's also some evidence that she's not yeah. I don't think she was at this.

Speaker 3:

It said special, I think the episode with her funeral, I believe yeah, and like a little scene of her. I'm pretty sure she had her name in the credits again yeah they.

Speaker 2:

I think they reshow and then they have a flashback or something in that episode to not that I remember, but possible no, I don't remember so. I found I got on the talk about. We need something to talk about. What episode two fight scene and kind of the grittiness of the episode sick grittiness. Yeah, it does say special guest always an episode to. I'm confirming right now what's the fight scene in the meat locker fight scene. There was a man up on a hook. They're being all tactical and shooting dudes cutting fingers off oh.

Speaker 3:

I think it was fitting because it was in the butcher shop.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, butcher to butcher them up. No, yeah, I enjoyed that enjoyed that do you enjoy the opening AI credits?

Speaker 1:

okay, I mean, I'm okay, I'm gonna say I didn't realize it was a. I'm like, oh, this is a cool, I understand. Okay, ignoring the controversy of the AI stuff and like the ramifications of that, I thought it was a pretty interesting intro because the whole I only saw it once because I don't feel like watching intros over and over, but, um, I thought it was cool that everything was essentially like turning scroll- yeah, scroll-ish.

Speaker 1:

Faceless. But finding out that it was AI, I was like, oh, is that why it looks a certain way? It is why it looks a certain way, but I totally thought it was like someone did it. Someone did do it. So I get the whole issues with AI, but it's not me, all right.

Speaker 2:

Do you though I thought it was Do you get the issues with AI?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Because, I mean, the biggest issue is like, well, if you can replace someone to do that, eventually you can replace, like Um, I mean right now, what everyone's just like oh, everybody's job is going to be taken by AI. It's not true at the moment. So I understand the issue is like somebody could have done that and gotten paid, but instead they went with the AI, meaning that a person or people lost a job opportunity on that that was false, but that's I know I'm saying that's the narrative.

Speaker 2:

That's the narrative, yes, but it's not false in this scenario. It pisses me off that that was a whole controversy when it popped out, Because people are idiots who are trying to use bud words and to get clicks and stuff.

Speaker 1:

You tell them yeah no, no, I was just re-urgitating the narrative and I think you did a good job summarizing that narrative that people have. Yeah, so what are your thoughts? Because you sound very enthusiastic.

Speaker 2:

No, I'm just.

Speaker 2:

It just beaks me off how people would just be using buzz words and stuff and trying to hit on AI where, like this, like you were saying, this AI serves a purpose to give them the faceless, scrollless look. It's being used in a strategic way and the way I mean if you want to get into the technicals about AI and smart I think AI is being overused. There's a whole difference between AI and machine learning and stuff, especially when you get into film editing and all that stuff. But this is more like deep fake. I'm sure you guys are familiar with that.

Speaker 1:

How you?

Speaker 2:

just train.

Speaker 1:

an image off sequence You're doing the same thing with this.

Speaker 2:

There's artists. I've looked at the credits and stuff. Artists have done specific drawings for this. There's no one losing jobs here. They're making art. They're using this AI as a tool to give it a certain look. It's not like they're pressing generate to steal people's jobs A lot of people think, yeah, see, that makes sense.

Speaker 1:

Because I saw the intro the first time and I was like, oh, this is. I like what they did. I like that everything is slowly getting morphed into Waltz green to symbolize scrolls.

Speaker 2:

When I saw it.

Speaker 1:

I was like oh.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know that. You're familiar with keyframes and editing and stuff like that. It's essentially setting a keyframe here, setting a keyframe there and pressing render If you want to get in the nitty gritty. Is that considered AI when you're having your computer interpolate all the different frames in between? Do you know how long this would take to do by hand? People are wanting to happen. Some of these tweets I read come out in 21, 22.

Speaker 1:

And it's not cost effective, obviously because you're paying someone full time to do it, versus just something that generates it off of another person's work.

Speaker 2:

that was hired to do a specific set of things.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but.

Speaker 2:

I don't know A lot of general opinions keep irritating me over and over again, which is why we should do a low-key podcast.

Speaker 3:

I think I got to mention this every podcast. Now Are you saying the internet irritates you?

Speaker 2:

Especially the last couple years.

Speaker 3:

yes, the internet is just a giant place to everyone go, everyone go complain and.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, so villain Gravic, right, yes, gravic.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Something I actually like him. I will say what I'm he. Okay, so he already has this. Whatever the Super Skrull thing, right?

Speaker 3:

That's kind of what the he's got the Episode 3 confirmed. Yeah, from Iron man 3.

Speaker 1:

So does he just have that, or does he have? I mean, that's all they've shown. That's a good question, because I kind of feel like that just means he has All of it, the serum, and they just couldn't mass develop it yet.

Speaker 3:

Well, if I'm correct, isn't like didn't, when he was showing the other council members, isn't it like a radiation chamber? Almost To me it looked like it was implied that they like stand in it and it blasts them with whatever freeze and raise something, yeah, and then they get the powers. That's what it looked like to me, not a serum necessarily.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, okay, but he's probably gone through it already.

Speaker 3:

Who knows? Yeah, I'm assuming he's gone through it.

Speaker 1:

Because that's immediately what I thought. But then, thinking back, I'm like Then why are they still likein episode two? I think Clearly the scientist is frustrated with stuff.

Speaker 2:

But actually now that.

Speaker 1:

I think about it. I think she was mentioning more materials and stuff.

Speaker 3:

Maybe to mass produce. They had enough for one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah yeah, yeah, that's a good point, and to tie it back, I do feel. Oh, go ahead To tie it back to something we were talking about earlier. From a narrative storytelling point of view here, it'swhat's the word? Very convenient that they show Gravic healing himself in the same episode where one of our main characters gets shot and could have potentially gotten some. Got it yeah.

Speaker 3:

And it is very possible that she would have been second to get theif there was limited amounts of Second or steal it. She was probably within the top five to like she was on the list.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she was on the list. For sure I would, because I wouldn't say second, because he clearly doesn't trust her because she's the daughter of Talon.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that is also true, though I would argue that she wasn't on the list at all, but she did it herself. Yeah, she stole it and did it herself to stay alive, because if she was on a list and Gravic knew she had some regeneration power or something like that, he would have shot her a whole lot more time. Oh, yeah, yeah, chopped her head off, yeah, or however, he had killed someone.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think I, because I mean episode two. She's distant from what I would call his second hand. Yeah, second in command, not second hand, where she's like on the outside and I mean they keep bringing her on missions. But I wonder if it was.

Speaker 3:

Just to keep an eye on her and see if she was double crossing yeah, keep your enemies close, type thing.

Speaker 1:

Which she was and yeah, I don't know. So I'm not sold. I don't know if, because I don't feel like they're gonna be like Obviously this can go anywhere, but I feel like they'll limit Super Skrulls to just one and I almost feel like, for the story, at least where we're at now, I feel like it shouldn't be Gravic, but then again that just might be me.

Speaker 2:

Who would it be?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know, I just want some no-name.

Speaker 1:

Skrulls Just some random dude maybe? Yeah, I guess Gravic makes more sense because he's the only one we have real backstory to.

Speaker 2:

I think, looking in the future what they've done so far. Gravic is a choice, but maybe not if they have future plans for something like that. Rody also could be a contender, especially with the next episode and a half, depending what they do with that, because you'd expect them to have a suit to go carpet bomb something. But this gives them other stuff.

Speaker 2:

He could go carpet bomb it with his hands this time, if he's got some firepower, Otherwise you could do a fury not a fury. I don't think there's anyone else who would really fit the bill.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think the only possible Super Skrulls will see Gravic, rody and Gaia. I don't feel like the other ones have been built up enough, unless they do a bunch of them and then all those side ones sure.

Speaker 2:

But if they're doing a limited amount.

Speaker 3:

Those are probably the three.

Speaker 1:

I think at least one of them, but I wouldn't even say all three. Well, maybe Gaia, but I don't know. About Rody, I don't know. It just seems almost like OP to have more than one Super Skrull.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, especially when Fury is refusing to call in the Avengers.

Speaker 2:

Especially when this is a TV show. They don't got no Avengers budget.

Speaker 3:

True. Although I'd argue, that Samuel L Jackson is high budget.

Speaker 2:

It's even more so. Oh, that money's going to him.

Speaker 1:

We could barely afford Maria Hill.

Speaker 3:

Do you think, when they bring these actors and actresses in for these contracts, that if they've already got plans for the TV show, it's already included that? Oh, but you also have to do six episodes of this or two episodes of this.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's 100% you think it's included in the first contract, they started.

Speaker 3:

Because for a TV budget after Samuel L Jackson, you've got Amelia Clark, kobe Smulders, an episode of Martin Freeman. I want to say what's his actor's name? I think it's Ben something.

Speaker 2:

Those are all big name actors and notice how this show is much more grounded and really only especially got going or shape-shipped yeah.

Speaker 1:

Unless they count, because you know how they would sign multi-picture deals, unless they count one. But I feel like they wouldn't waste it. I have a feeling they get the story and they're like well, we can plug and play these characters and we'll go negotiate contract to be like here's. If you play this, however many episodes, how?

Speaker 3:

much you'll get. I'm sure it's negotiated out when they're signing the movie deals.

Speaker 1:

I almost even think it's not like it's afterwards.

Speaker 2:

I 100% don't think it's afterwards. I think they have amended with how many projects they're projected to be working on and then if they need to make a manager something though, like if it runs out. That's when actors have negotiating powers and they demand.

Speaker 1:

That's why you have this whole Tom Holland situation. I forgot you can amend a contract, yeah, or like a Scarlett Johansson situation where she sued them, and they're probably like you know what we're done with you.

Speaker 2:

We're done with you. Your character's dead. And they've been getting like way more stricter with their contracts and royalties being paid out after the whole Robert Downey pay balloon stuff. So I think they're pretty conscious about what they're doing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah they've learned from their mistakes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So one we think we haven't touched on is. Nick's fury Nick fury's wife is a scroll. I think that's an interesting Approached yeah, and I obviously he knows and I feel like that adds weight to what he's going through because clearly, except you know, he's been killing every scroll he sees, except I Feel like he also doesn't obviously want them all to be killed and he's got like what is it like?

Speaker 1:

a he's got a reason to care that they don't all just get died or like get a captured, you know, because his wife is one I gotta. I didn't see that coming at all.

Speaker 3:

I did not even then again.

Speaker 1:

We also didn't know. We had a wife.

Speaker 3:

So I mean so I actually did see, thanks to all the the internetters, that he does mention he has a wife in. What is it? Winter soldier, oh. He tells, he tells captain America that, like his wife kicked him out or something, and he's like oh, I didn't know you were married.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So thanks, redditors internetters.

Speaker 2:

Crazy Twitterers yeah.

Speaker 1:

I gotta.

Speaker 2:

I know Some theories to talk about. I say really pretty much all I have to say is there's be I can hold.

Speaker 1:

I was gonna say I did not expect her to be working with graphic. I almost felt like she was gonna be working with a third party or or Once she's getting the phone calls or texts. I or that one lady that was said she wouldn't be part of the Graphic being in charge.

Speaker 3:

That's, that's fair. But as soon as she said that, like she was hurt when he was gone the first time Because of the blip, but then he came back and then he left again, I Felt like. I felt like I was like, okay, I could, I could see the, the pathway.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, cuz she also like said, what I found myself, or something.

Speaker 3:

So I didn't surprise me too much, but I do see, like your point, that like maybe they could have been with other scrolls and not Okay, we could go all right Time baby. Well, and this?

Speaker 2:

somewhat ties back into Making existing people scrolls and stuff.

Speaker 1:

What if?

Speaker 2:

there are multiple necphires. What if he intentionally has a scroll clone of himself or multiple that he sends up to Saber? He's been on earth possibly this entire time. Maybe he's up in bed.

Speaker 1:

Maybe his wife? What if this isn't even exactly the real it's a fake one?

Speaker 2:

that maybe his wife hates him, that he left and she's been working with a fake necphiri and explain With real necphiri's emotions to get something out of them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Who knows?

Speaker 1:

yeah, I think this goes back to me not liking this scroll idea. I.

Speaker 3:

Will go firm on the record that we've only seen one necphiri in the show, and I think it's the real necphiri.

Speaker 2:

But what about this?

Speaker 3:

theory, because that would that would be pretty mind-bending.

Speaker 2:

Have you noticed his hats?

Speaker 3:

I've not been paying attention to his hat.

Speaker 2:

No, he has yes, the fedora hat and, like the, yeah, it's two different hats. What if those? I?

Speaker 1:

was wondering.

Speaker 2:

I've been wanting to rewatch and kind of pay attention. But yeah, I wonder if that's a storytelling device for.

Speaker 3:

Interest possible.

Speaker 2:

Could be it could be, we could see where that leads Because, like even like the old 90s, necphiri doesn't wear a hat. I Don't even know has he been hatless in modern day.

Speaker 1:

All right, yeah, he was on the train, wasn't?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

He hasn't worn a oh like. That's what real. Almost, I think he thought he was still wearing his beanie.

Speaker 3:

I I think you're gonna on a man. Yeah, I think he's been wearing hats, though in most scenes.

Speaker 2:

I feel like, yeah, and I feel like he's like, his personality has been very bipolar-esque, which might Be a hit. Yeah, yeah, I'm wondering if there's something there or not. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

I Did. There's a. I did think him snapping at Taylor's on the train was a little like out of character, like just for like. I don't feel like we've seen him like almost like attack Somebody, like in that manner when like he kind of like already knew I Don't know. Well, okay, so if we're gonna go down.

Speaker 1:

The Nick Fury is a scroll, or there's more than one. He Understands. It seems like, well, what we've been shown, which obviously could just be a Diversion, but it Nick Fury doesn't strike me as someone that would let us scroll even for a little, get into his mind, to get some of his so be able to impersonate him better and like he has been rehashing the past with them, which makes me feel like it's the real Nick Fury and I think why he blew up is he thought he had a small problem of only a thousand scrolls and Obviously it's a thousand people that can shapeshift, but it's way more manageable than a million.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but just that I feel like the old Nick Fury that we knew like wasn't snapping and like you could say oh Well, this is.

Speaker 1:

This is the new post that was pretty turning into.

Speaker 1:

This is the new post flip Nick Fury, but We've never seen post flip Before now in this, you know, I don't think so why, I want to say, is there's only one, nick, even though I mean they could obviously do more than one, is the last time, which was I, was it a post-credits scene or like a mid-credits, where he's on saber? Yeah, and spider-man, I believe so, and they obviously show in Spider-man. It was the fake Nick Fury, so like they made the point to show him in up in saber and to come down. That's why I feel like it's just one like. I, I do also feel like he had just appeared.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, the reason. It's in the back of my mind, but it's not something I'm like oh, this is definitely gonna happen. It's like I mean they left the crumbs, if you want to deep dive into, like like you were saying using the hat as an example, but I Stamped to me like in my mind, even though I know it's probably like there's ways to make it work, to me it still goes back to like cheapening certain things.

Speaker 1:

If someone's a scroll, but At the same time it would be a Nick Fury play to have two of two of him right walking around doing stuff.

Speaker 3:

That would be a Nick Fury play, but on, but like thinking I was saying the only other scroll that I feel like he would trust to play him would be Taylor's, and we've we've been seeing him throughout the series, so I don't think that he's the hypothetical second Nick Fury.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, I just want to like. This is Totally just random. I'm just thinking now how, like within the MCU, how many times scrolls have tried to dislike, be someone, like grab a granny's goons ever, just try to be Fury for a day and do stuff or whatever, and but get out of it. It's like the never.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, or just like yeah, I want to be a man for the day trying to get a free Cosplayer. Yeah like I have a feeling they Well that, yeah, no, that leads into like a giant rabbit hole.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just like a curiosity question.

Speaker 1:

Because it almost seems like they will not impersonate someone. Well, first, they still want to be hidden. They don't want the public to know. And it also seems like we've been deliberately, deliberately shown that if they're going to impersonate someone, they have them captured so they can get like the whole.

Speaker 2:

Well, so like strategically impersonate someone, strategically impersonate someone Personally, the person that's just strategically impersonate someone I'm talking about, like some dude, just like a scrawly doesn't care anymore. Yeah, he just wants to get a free coffee at the Ant-Man store or whatever, like oh, I mean, I wouldn't mind seeing like a scene of that, like a five minute short on.

Speaker 3:

You know what? If there's like a scrolls bad day and he just tries to keep pretending to be like a venture.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, It'll be like they'll do a celebrity cameo and it's really a scroll, kevin Bacon's a scroll.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there it is. Yeah, all right, I actually we're getting, we're getting pretty far in, but I do have one question that I feel like I want to know the answer to. Maybe you guys know. So in the one episode, gaya is running away with, like, the bombs in her backpack or whatever, and her dad's chasing her down and like it's not until they start talking that they realize, like, who each other are.

Speaker 2:

Come on Episode one yeah, I think that's one right foot or weight, the one like Colby's. Chasing her in the tunnels and all that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

The ladder and the OK.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and correct me if I'm wrong, but like they didn't know who each other were until they started talking, right. Like he did not recognize that that was his daughter. Like obviously she's using somebody's body, but he didn't recognize her right away, correct. Until she, like, made the comments about like you couldn't protect anyone or whatever.

Speaker 1:

In the tunnels. Before the bombs before the bomb they didn't know each other. No, because I don't think he knew, because I don't think he even saw her, because Maria Hill was chasing. And then when they get into the, she got, did she get shot? That's why he asked her no. Is it when they or did she get beat up? No, she got beat up, right, maria.

Speaker 3:

Hill got beat up in the tunnel by guy.

Speaker 1:

So I think he was just like obviously around.

Speaker 3:

But when that happened, then he started following her and then saw that it was her my maybe, maybe I have to go back and watch, but I got the impression that when he looked at her he didn't record. Like he didn't know that was Gaia. Like he might have known it was a scroll, obviously because of like what they're doing, but I don't think he knew it was Gaia until she made like a comment, like a specific comment, and then he was like, oh, and then yeah, that's something you got to rewatch Because I'm almost positive he shot at the ladder to stop her, and then she came down and then like if it was another scroll, I think he would have Maybe killed.

Speaker 2:

No, maybe you don't want to kill any scrolls.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're right, so all right, at least that's the impression I got. So my question is just if a scroll runs into, another scroll, but they're only in the conversation. Do they know? Do they know?

Speaker 2:

No no.

Speaker 3:

OK. So then, like I feel like this could lead to so many issues on its own, of just like you're working for the same side, but you don't even know it because you're pretending to be a human.

Speaker 1:

Well, that that also lends itself to like spies in general. Like yeah, yeah, yeah, because I don't, I don't think it's not like they have a center or something.

Speaker 2:

Pheromones. Well, not that we?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, not that we know of, but OK, I think he knows her Well, because she wasn't even like sheep.

Speaker 2:

I just you watch the scene. Gaia knows who he is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but obviously she's seen his form. Is that guy before? Yeah, I don't think he knew like, at least that's the impression I got. I guess it's not that big of a deal though.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's given a, I would assume. Yeah, I guess, if he had never seen.

Speaker 3:

like obviously he knows who Gaia is, but if he's never seen Gaia take the form of that specific human, like, how would he know?

Speaker 1:

It kind of made me like he knows, because I doubt that she just started spying, like I'm sure she's been part of the organization and like feeding them info, so he would already have known that how she looks maybe All right, all right. Well, because they also make a well Fury makes a big deal about them who they like decide to shape ship into.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So maybe she had already, like picked someone they already knew Well, because has fury seen human.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she has.

Speaker 1:

I don't know, I don't know. I am curious about the bomb thing because to me that's what I got. I got a little confused is she obviously gave them the info but but it was wrong. But she would have noticed her backpacks empty. Yeah unless it's too late. I don't know if it was good in the field that she was misleading him on purpose there. It felt like, yeah, I have to let this go through because there's too many.

Speaker 2:

Like I think we literally like four of us before the scene before they were talking about they're going to have three bombs and some diversions and stuff.

Speaker 1:

And I can't tell her that it's marked with yeah. Yeah, but I can't remember if one's with bombs.

Speaker 2:

I feel like she was helping them, but she didn't know like like there was, there was two diversions.

Speaker 3:

Like yeah she didn't know his own plan. Yeah, that's what I was very possible. Yeah, that would make a lot of sense.

Speaker 1:

And then that goes into like probably graphic, maybe doesn't trust her. So he's like, well, let me do this as a fail, yeah that's what I was thinking. And kind of got the big, big stuff that matters.

Speaker 3:

Heck, yeah, we did.

Speaker 1:

I think I do, like the guy that was pretending to be the Martin Freeman scroll was talking to someone that went full conspiracy.

Speaker 3:

Agent. Agent Prescott was his name and John, since you watch Game of Thrones, that was a barric dandarian.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 2:

I didn't even put that together.

Speaker 3:

Do you know the voice now, John?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

I didn't even like put the face to it. Well, if he needed to borrow Firi's iPad for you to be able to make a connection. But yeah, I liked Agent Prescott. He knew everything, he had it all figured out.

Speaker 2:

Do you think they're going to drop an F bomb?

Speaker 3:

They've got like a like a mother For sure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he's got to be like. He's got one in this contract.

Speaker 2:

I think they're going to drop an F bomb to reveal the real. Nick Fury drops F bombs and the original in all the other.

Speaker 3:

MCU movies is a scroll.

Speaker 2:

Well, not all the, they only teased it once when he was getting dusted right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, mother, and then he disappeared. I could see it happening on like a twist or something Like, something like changes and just like like mother fucker.

Speaker 2:

When Gravick turns into a bunch of no, I'm like he did in the museum scene.

Speaker 1:

Oh, when he turned into a bunch of Gravick, I thought that was pretty cool, but it was also like it was interesting because they still let him get like. I guess they didn't let him, but he still got stabbed.

Speaker 3:

All right, wait, guys, I'm, I'm pulling in, I'm making the connections of what we've been talking about. We've talked about multiple theories, talked about, you know, defeating the, defeating the bad guy. We've talked about Loki, but not the multi-person. What if series Fury and Loki teamed up to take take down? Was it Hank? I think it was Hank Pym, hank Pym. So I mean, wait, maybe we do have multiple theories, as Loki got Loki helping him out here.

Speaker 1:

Wait, huh, oh, he's saying. He's saying that, cousin, what if Loki? In one episode Loki pretended to be Fury, so he's he's saying there's your second Fury, right there, your boy Loki.

Speaker 2:

Oh, is that in the evil Ant-Man one?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, all the Avengers are dying, ah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

There we go.

Speaker 3:

I remember now we have come full circle. Loki Secret invasion.

Speaker 1:

No but overall, just a quick recap or my thoughts. I like where we've been obviously been concerned with the scrolls thing, but it doesn't really to me at the moment it hasn't detracted from the quality of the show. It's been. Actually you might notice it, because I don't notice things on the first watch most of the time How's the pacing? Good To me? Like well, just watching it I feel like it's been good pacing. But I feel like you have a better eye for it.

Speaker 2:

I think second episode is the best one. First episode is good. Third episode is kind of weirdly paced in my opinion. Feels like that could be like the low point of the show, but we have three more episodes.

Speaker 1:

You think it was because it was focused on three different people versus like two.

Speaker 2:

I mean you can do that. Well, actually it was a lot more people it just had. I can't even remember what episode three was about right now. Oh yeah, they're all the time yeah, I don't know Weirdly paced, not cut together quite perfectly Kind of a lot of I don't know cause. A lot of it's had, like you know, your good mix of tense moments and action and dialogue and stuff. I feel like episode three had a lot of dialogue, exposition, dumping towards the middle.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's it I do, and then I, when I'm looking back, it's I think the whole random, not random, but the submarine attack that they were gonna do. I forgot about that Kind of ramped up all of a sudden Cause yeah, it was a slower episode. Like you said, more dialogue, and then all of a sudden it was like, oh, the action kicked in for like five minutes and then it's kind of yeah.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing wrong with dialogue, but it was just like felt like a lot. No weird jump. Maybe we could have cut some of that and write it into another episode or something.

Speaker 1:

but Can't Well last. Well, maybe not last thing. But if I go back to something I think Jacob said where maybe she secretly Gaya became, has the super scroll stuff in her. I think they have that like heavily monitored because when she got the call to get the codes, like whatever the security like saw that there was a call going in. That was it an unsecured call. They called it. So like I feel like they'd know if someone uses the machine and like it'd make a huge hard lockdown or whatever you want to call it.

Speaker 3:

I kind of agree.

Speaker 2:

But there was also a scene where she was just standing there Spying on the scientist and he had no idea she was in there.

Speaker 1:

But the machine? Yeah, that's true, but the machine wasn't all like I'm saying, like the machine would be on and then stuff would happen. But yeah, that's true.

Speaker 2:

And who says the machines? What?

Speaker 1:

is giving you the powers.

Speaker 2:

It definitely, or who says you need the machine for the extremist power. I mean, I feel like that one, something you can just inject. Maybe have like some awesome superior version, different powers the different samples require different exposure methods. Yeah, extremists could be an injection and, like root and all the other ones might need some X-ray stuff, you think?

Speaker 1:

This is a not maybe a theory, but well, I guess I don't know anything about Super Skrull, so maybe not, I was gonna say could he copy Hulk's power? But like Hulk isn't really a power, he's kind of a.

Speaker 2:

I would imagine Cause from what I got and what they've established is that you just need a DNA sample and some materials and stuff and the doc can replicate it.

Speaker 3:

Wait, wait.

Speaker 1:

Oh wait, no, no, no.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Nevermind it was the weird jock dude or the.

Speaker 3:

They talking about she-hulk the lame, yeah, or they wanted her to just blood her blood. Yeah, nevermind. I mean they could still have part of that sample.

Speaker 2:

He could have been a Skrull too.

Speaker 1:

Well, maybe that's who Banner was warning her about. Is like people want it and like one of the people would be as graphic.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Skrulls yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

And, however, harrison Ford gets turned into red Hulk.

Speaker 3:

I think you mean Indiana Jones.

Speaker 2:

And there's the whole.

Speaker 3:

He gets the dial of destiny. That's how.

Speaker 2:

There's the whole. People said before that damage control is like a Skrull unit and stuff. They're cleaning up after all the stuff to get all the samples.

Speaker 3:

I have seen that theory.

Speaker 1:

I haven't, honestly, that would make sense. I haven't looked at anything. That would make a lot of sense, you know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

They take over damage control, so they get access to all these. You know they get access to the battle wreckage before anyone else and they can take certain things, so that would make sense.

Speaker 1:

That's actually one thing we didn't talk. I do like the parallel that, while Talos is kind of whole idea of like why are you making war, you're literally doing what caused us to become essentially extinct everywhere else, is you're like playing into the fears of the whatever the native planet species, which is probably why the Kree don't like them, because maybe they tried taking over one time.

Speaker 2:

I can tell about Talos for his graphic.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Cause Talos' whole thing is like we don't wanna go to war.

Speaker 3:

We wanna live in peace.

Speaker 1:

Cause, then you're playing into their fears and this has already happened before. Kinda like what that one Skrull I don't know what she was Senator was saying.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I feel like really like how they're writing around the parallels between I was gonna say same suggestion Fury and Talos, pretty much being the same exact person struggling with the same exact issues and stuff.

Speaker 1:

Bit different goals, but Just obviously yeah, different goals or like methods to get to that goal yeah, they like mirror it from one scene to another, and then also you kinda have Talos being parallel with graphic oh, that's way more extreme and controversial cause.

Speaker 2:

there's way more differences between them, but it's interesting and that apology scene was strong too.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no any last thoughts.

Speaker 3:

Loki sucks. I think I'm good.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right, yeah, no, well, I'm not gonna say anything.

Speaker 2:

I'll say something. Hey Jacob, what Question for you?

Speaker 3:

Hi, one more. That's it, have you seen?

Speaker 2:

Avatar the Way of the. Water.

Speaker 3:

I have not.

Speaker 2:

You have not Nope. Well, that sounds like one more person to add to the watch party, so we can do a Way of Water podcast.

Speaker 1:

We still gotta do John Wick 4.

Speaker 2:

We still have to do a lot of stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'd be down to talk about both of those.

Speaker 2:

I was hoping you'd say yes so I can get John on the a lot of party.

Speaker 1:

but We'll talk about this after All, right, so we're gonna wrap it up here. That'll be our discussion.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, thanks for listening, flash review Yep on secret invasion.

Speaker 1:

Leave comments If you agree with us, disagree with us, what your theories are. Also any suggestions of what we should record next?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's about it.

Speaker 1:

Thanks guys again for joining Co-host Kyler and co-host Jacob. Adios, that'll be it later, adios.