3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews

The Intricate Webs of the Spider-Verse: An In-depth Discussion

3 Dudes 1 Mic Reviews Episode 2

You think you know Spider-verse? Think again! We're cracking open the multiverse, diving into all things Spider-verse - the extraordinary scenes, the memorable characters, the pulse-pounding soundtrack. 

Strap in as we put the latest Spider-Verse movie head to head with its predecessor. We dissect its winning elements - the riveting pacing, the vibrant visuals, the resonant score, and the captivating narrative. We're not holding back on our reviews either, so you'll get our unfiltered thoughts and personal ratings. And because we love a good theory, we talk "incursion", dissect parallels between the two Spider-Verse movies, and speculate on the fate of our favorite characters.


Speaker 1:

Hello everyone and welcome back to another episode. I am your host, jacob. Alongside with me today are my co-host, john Hello, and Kyler Hello. And I'm excited today because today we are going to be talking about one of the best movies that I've seen in a while across the spider-verse. So to get us started, i just want to get your guys's thoughts, maybe one to two sentences What was your favorite part of the movie and why? How about we start with John?

Speaker 2:

Don't start with.

Speaker 3:

John, sorry, i'm contemplating if I should just Never mind.

Speaker 2:

Just what?

Speaker 3:

It's fine, we're still rolling, so I can cut it Kind of play if I should like, completely freestyle or try to keep it rained in, slightly rained in. I'm about to go ball, so Okay all right.

Speaker 2:

So I'd say one of my favorite scenes in the movie would be the introduction of spider punk. Just the, just his whole intro was just kind of badass and he came in hot and it Showed up miles a little not on purpose.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, he comes flying through and and breaks the barrier as an epic intro.

Speaker 2:

Very epic by you, kyler.

Speaker 3:

Well, you took mine because spider punk was one of my favorite characters in The movie. I love everything about. I think he was like the best character, i might argue, but we'll save that for later. So, since John said that, i think a easy go-to for me is the score of the film. Okay, and I have some opinions on people calling this the best movie ever and compare it to the first, but I will say I think the score and the soundtrack was like on another level compared to the first film, especially the end.

Speaker 1:

Especially the end yeah, are you referring to The? the team up of just grabbing everyone?

Speaker 3:

the team up, that's the song or the trash called start a band. I've listened to it on YouTube. It's that good and I've seen it going up like 300 K views in a couple days. I think everyone can agree that's a freaking killer track.

Speaker 1:

Starting a band everyone Right, you, jacob. I think my favorite moment was probably the chase scene, when Miles is leading everyone away From the facility and I think it just had like a lot of just entertainment value, with just all the spider men You know pointing at each other and then, of course, chasing Miles and you get to see All of them going after him. But what I really liked about that scene was that I Feel like we got a nice like bombshell dropped on us. As spider-man 2099 Miguel, he is just going after Miles and then he lets us know that Miles is one of the anomalies, that he wasn't supposed to be spider-man, and Miles is kind of like processing this information. But then he also kind of takes a stand saying like you know what I'm done, with everyone telling me like how it's supposed to go, what's supposed to happen, like I'm gonna do me, and I just really enjoyed that moment. How did you guys feel about that?

Speaker 3:

I do I I don't know if I Think that's a top moment of that of the movie, but I do love his line delivery on slings like nah, I'm gonna do things Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I feel like when the second trailer was out.

Speaker 3:

I like loved that line even seeing it there, even better in the movie.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, i thought the delivery was perfect.

Speaker 2:

I thought he also like after finding out that he's an anomaly, he realized, like why do I have to conform to the rules if I am?

Speaker 1:

if he's already an anomaly Yeah true.

Speaker 3:

That's a good point, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I just I really enjoyed that moment but it also got me thinking a little bit and I Started could to kind of just think and I want to play devil's advocate with myself because that was one of my favorite moments. But Miles is kind of like pushing aside, like he's taking a stance, like he's like I am an anomaly But like I'm gonna do me and I like forget about all this like predetermined stuff. But correct me if I'm wrong. Doesn't Miguel Say that if these canon events are disrupted, that the connections of the spider-verse are going to be destroyed?

Speaker 1:

Yes yeah, okay. And then I was kind of thinking like To someone that Miles cares a lot about, gwen Stacy. The spider-verse means a lot to her in her universe. She lost her Peter Parker, her dad, basically pushes away from her when he finds out that she's been lying and that she's a spider person And you know he's about to arrest her. So she is like lost almost everything in her universe and and Miguel and spider-woman show up and kind of give her this new opportunity and I would argue that the spider-verse means a lot to Gwen. So should Miles be a little concerned or at least care a little bit about maintaining the spider-verse and knowing that It may be not mean a lot to him, but it means a lot to other spider people. How?

Speaker 3:

Do we really? just stirred my brain up. I struggling to follow, but I think in the end It doesn't really matter, because Gwen wants to rescue Miles and I don't think she thinks the spider-verse is that important. She's more concerned with having a friend which I think is miles.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, to piggyback off that like she's getting the group together to help him So they're clearly gonna obviously break the whole cannon event, the whole string, i guess, if you want to say so, i think at that point she realized like I Can't just conform to this spider society, actually have to help my friend, especially when he finds out that Everyone that he's interacted with knew that he was an anomaly and knew like, well, they were actively trying to get him to stop trying to save his dad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I think so. At the moment We were saying, in the moment She's rescued by the spider-verse people and so for that she needs it, because she has nowhere to turn. But I think she realizes after seeing how miles, how betrayed he was, that everyone knew And how he essentially said I don't need you guys, i think she realized that her friendship with him is more important than Following the rules Which could in the process cause the collapse of the spider-verse. But it's kind of weird, like you give him this weird paradox where if he's an anomaly, does he? Isn't he kind of like an X factor? He might be like outside of the hole, like things could go differently.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because he's already. He's maybe creating a new path or, you know, yeah, weaving a new web. You might argue.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like he already. He already did something that would have I mean theoretically, it should have already ruined the original Peter Parker's like. You're an event yeah, so like if that didn't happen. Clearly he's kind of out. I'd say he's a little outside of it, but who knows? okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I mean I completely agree with that. But for me personally I like I thought Miguel was a very good character in this movie Because I could see his viewpoint like if we take his side for a second, miles could possibly destroy the entire spider-verse. Like we see the one universe where miles saves the inspector and We see like that black hole is created. Like Miguel knows like what is happening to these universes and he wants to stop that. So would you guys agree that Miguel at least has a valid point in that?

Speaker 1:

like Maybe we should be trying to stop these events, doing like, or make sure I agree, because I don't think I agree that miles is Causing the events Partake.

Speaker 3:

Well, i mean, he's causing because he's there, but he can just stay in his universe and Everything's fine.

Speaker 1:

So so do you think a better, a better option for Miguel would be to instead have tried to Isolate and keep miles in his current universe.

Speaker 3:

Yeah that, or take care of it quick. I don't. I don't think he's a very smart guy.

Speaker 2:

He it's cuz he's blinded by what he did to the one universe that he hijacked. Yeah, i mean I kind of I understand where he's coming from. He wants to save, make sure nothing happens to the whole universe. But the way he went with miles was literally like Let me blindside you. Oh, you didn't agree with me, well, you're gonna get trapped, so we can let it happen anyway, like you didn't. he didn't give miles a choice. He literally just said join us or here you go.

Speaker 3:

You're stuck here and also He took spider when in two. That wouldn't so well. I mean, i guess he could have talked her and should that would maybe still die I guess I guess they haven't explained that all the way, but that's another possible contradictor.

Speaker 2:

I think I, except I think. Huh, that gets a little weird, because I thought her cannon event was Peter Parker dying.

Speaker 3:

True, okay, actually this leads me into I don't know. I guess this is related, but uh, i Think Peter died, but isn't it wasn't insinuated that her dad was still supposed to die?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, like when she went back then she had like that moment of realization shot that she was all about just a prize. Yeah, she was almost surprised when he said that he had stepped down like a week before and like I Actually kind of like was in that moment like oh, like That's like big news for her.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I feel like that's another like plot point That's kind of pushing her to Get away from the spider person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, give her that feeling that she doesn't have to conform and like maybe cannon events don't have to happen. Yeah, yeah, that's an excellent point. But before, before we move on to something else, just gonna throw out a defense of Miguel, because you kind of saying he's stupid. I think, to be fair, he did not want Gwen or Miles to know about the spider verse And it was spider woman that basically brought Gwen in. So I think he knew that this would happen. So I guess, maybe in the back of his mind, like he by him allowing spider woman to invite Gwen and bring her in, like he kind of in the back of his mind, like knew that there was a chance that the events of this movie could take place And he's done for letting that happen.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i think he just kind of Maybe he realized her potential outweighs the risks because if we remember from the first movie he was watching them. So he definitely saw that they had a connection and was probably that's probably the first time. Probably that's probably why he pushed her or didn't want her to join in the first place. But yeah, all right, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I just want to freak. Let's just cut. Let's cut the chase. Let's cut to the chase. Baby, let's cut to the chase. I want to argue. I think that makes for a fun podcast.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're talking about the score. No the rating the rating Yes I.

Speaker 3:

Want to argue. A lot of people saying this is the best movie ever, ten out of ten, literally. When the movie ended, there's like two dudes next to me like better than the first. You're better than the first. Ten out of ten movie, best movie ever, and I've seen that I could a lot. What? what are your eyes's opinion on it? How's it compared to the first way, to overall score?

Speaker 2:

I, so I'll say my initial is still ten out of ten. I wanted to rewatch it just to get that whole first-time viewing shine off, but I haven't, so I'll it's still. Ten out of ten is pretty high, i don't. Is this a perfect movie? I'd say it's. I don't know. I think it was pretty close, but I'd still give it a ten out of ten, even though I don't. If I don't think it's perfect. Uh-huh, um oh, go ahead, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

Okay, i, i was gonna say I also would like to see it again, but I still have only seen it once.

Speaker 3:

but no over tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

Let's watch it. Let's do it. Just from my initial reaction of Like being in the theater, i think this was the first movie in a while where, like I Felt truly pulled in and like when it was ending, like that final minute, when you know This, the scores playing and Gwen's building this team, and I was realizing the movie was over I was like I was a little upset. I was like, oh man, like I want to know what happens with you know Miles and his dad, and I want to know everything that's going on. So I think that they Ended on a very good cliffhanger. Like they did leave me wanting more and just my overall impression was just like It just sat well with me.

Speaker 1:

I don't say I don't think I'd say it's a perfect Movie, but I'm definitely like nine out of ten, like I really enjoyed it. I want to watch it again. I think they did a great job with miles and Gwen Stacy. Like I Was feeling for both of those characters during this movie. I liked some of their moments and it was just overall very good movie.

Speaker 3:

Okay, what do you think?

Speaker 2:

Just to add, i felt like, like you said, pulled in, and I also felt like this is just a movie that I've in a while, that I felt That I just enjoyed the start to finish, obviously, besides, when you realize the movies over, it's like oh, what the? heck, but I just, i just loved every second of it.

Speaker 3:

I will agree. This is probably I'm not gonna say the best-paced movie, but it's really well-paced It was.

Speaker 1:

I I.

Speaker 3:

Agree, so good. This might be the only film in the last couple years I've seen in theaters where I didn't even like check my phone for like the time I didn't either.

Speaker 2:

Yeah like I wanted to, because when we were getting close to the end, i'm like, oh my god, i was gonna wrap it up, but I was like I can't take my eyes off the screen for even a second. Yeah, so well now that you're the last one, so what's? yeah?

Speaker 3:

let's hear it. You see, you seem to have the differing opinion a little bit I do and I Agree with a lot of the stuff you're saying, a lot of the stuff that other people are saying, but I don't think I think the first one is superior to this. I think that is a near 10 out of 10. I don't, i'm not comfortable saying it's a 10 out of 10, but if you're asking like what the best movie ever is, or something like that, spider-verse, but is it ended the? spider-verse.

Speaker 1:

That was cool. Yes, it's across right.

Speaker 3:

The new one is across. Yeah, I think into is Just a perfect movie. This one I Probably around eight out of ten ish. I do like it more and more the more I think about it.

Speaker 3:

I just don't think the story was as tight and Just I Don't know those it was like some improvements on the animation and visual style and the score and stuff, but the story wasn't as tight and I think it actually my opinions are very similar to I felt after watching no way home And I think something similar between those two movies is that there's a lot more action and Entertainment stuff that a lot of people, especially like general audiences, are Loving in propelling it to a 10 out of 10.

Speaker 1:

That's. That's how you get people in the seats. Man, Yeah, and.

Speaker 3:

When you're doing, you know, big Hollywood storytelling. So good balance between that and this is probably one of the better. Well, i don't even know if I'd call us a blockbuster movie, because it's not pulling in like yeah, i don't money and stuff, but So So is your drawback That it's technically not a closed story like the first one was. That's part of it. I don't think that's a major factor, it's just the story just wasn't just a little bit as tight, i Okay.

Speaker 2:

I could, i could see that yeah, cuz. I haven't watched the first one in a while, so maybe that's why I'm Leaning towards across the spider-verse. So much, yeah, um. But I now that, looking back, i'm like, yeah, the first one. I mean literally, they could have wanted that, that would be it.

Speaker 3:

And I mean for one. Let me ask you guys this whose Movie was this?

Speaker 1:

That's. I think that's tough.

Speaker 2:

I think it was both When.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think that's what the main characters like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there were purpose, like obviously the first one like.

Speaker 1:

It starts with one Like yeah, that's what it starts with one.

Speaker 3:

That's yeah, it's. I see it's like a five-act movie, it's like the Gwen prologue and then you go back to Miles in His whole thing. That's like the first act. The second act is introducing into the spider-verse. The third act is the whole chase sequence And they have like the epilogue to call the crescendo. Just the whole Earth 42 or universe 42 stuff, just building at the end, kind of teasing the end. But it's weird because, like, is it a Gwen Stacy movie? because it starts with her and I think it kind of ends with her.

Speaker 1:

And she has like some.

Speaker 3:

I think she has the most character evolution in between, but it's also Miles, and that's why I think it's kind of messy, because it's like It's not I just see.

Speaker 2:

That's where I disagree, where it's messy. It is technically two stories Because they both go through their own arc. Yeah, miles, whole thing is he wants to get Go see Gwen, which turns into he wants to be a part of the spider-verse. Once he finds out about it and then like So, like, let's just say so, his beginning, he wants to be there. The middle is he is there and then the final part of, like his arc I guess you can say, is that he realizes that no, he doesn't need him. And for Gwen It's sort of similar, but it's kind of more figuring out who she is. I'd say that she goes to the spider-verse to kind of be rescued. I'd say the middle for her is what, just trying to figure out where her role is and how it. Like. That's okay that now that I'm saying it, i kind of get lost.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i think I did. there's definitely arcs there and story there. It's just it, it's good, it's okay. It's not top tier, so do you think?

Speaker 2:

it should have been. They should have picked one or the other, so it should have been either another Miles or I don't know.

Speaker 3:

I mean, i like what they did and I'm curious to see what they do with the part three. I think I really can't say anything until I see part three, which is kind of the risky thing when you do movies like this. Except part three sucks and that kind of.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

If part three is amazing and like there's cool callbacks, like I want to talk about the like screenshots Yeah, the screenshots from Twitter and the Easter eggs from the first one, because there's stuff like that. It's like, oh yeah, this is amazing. Then, yeah, maybe to get some points up, but it's hard to judge them before you see it all.

Speaker 1:

Gotta finish the book before you can judge the chapter.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's why I think I finished to in as standalone movie style great things as is, i Think, spider-verse one is better and this is. it's still a good movie, but it's Not amazing Yeah but that's just my opinion.

Speaker 2:

A lot of people love this. I still like Yeah, i could see your point, i don't know. Just my opinion is that, even though it ends as I don't we're calling it part Two, but I'll just say it's like across the spider-verse, part one, i feel like ends pretty complete. Obviously the whole villain and The aftermath of that isn't at the end, but to me I felt it was still pretty complete, obviously not as first, as complete as the first one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, i I still really enjoyed this movie, like I do think it was really good, and I think that if, if they hit on part two of across the spider-verse, if the next movie is Really good and it delivers, i think like I'm gonna look at like these two movies as a combination and be like, yeah, these are really good, but because of that, to be continued, yeah, i think you almost have to wait because the story isn't fully concluded.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's actually awesome Tangent, but it's actually awesome that it's coming out next year. We don't have to wait what hopefully, but I feel like they've already planned it, if they just said it's coming next year. So like hope, yeah, hopefully nothing happens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah all right, we're getting, we're getting deeper into the podcast and we haven't discussed a key part of the ending. Miles is not in his own universe.

Speaker 3:

Ah Yeah, I was like where you going with this, but it is his own universe. I Saw him.

Speaker 1:

I saw two of them actually, you did see two of them And how are we feeling about our other, our other miles? Does he? does he have a specific name? Just, is he prowler, miles, prowler.

Speaker 3:

Prowler for now.

Speaker 2:

Thanks to miles.

Speaker 1:

The problem Oh what do we go do?

Speaker 3:

you go with, like where they're Kind of talk about where they're going with this Predictions let's go with predictions.

Speaker 1:

Where do we think they're going with miles? Where do we think they're going with prouler miles and Good?

Speaker 2:

okay, okay. I was gonna say I feel like he's so obviously spots gonna be the big boss at the end. Yep, i feel like I Don't see prouler miles Changing his mind and helping just because he's been molded by the aftermath of Spider-man. miles is like being the anomaly, so I don't really see him Like being like oh okay, sure, i'll help you save your dad. I.

Speaker 2:

See him being like a Mini boss. I guess, if we're gonna call the, if we're gonna call spot the main boss, Yeah, the obstacle that he'll have to overcome first. I'm also curious.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead, go ahead. I was gonna piggyback off that and say I think miles are gonna try to appeal him, say, oh, we got to save our dad, blah, blah, blah. but Uh, prouler and uncle Aaron are just gonna spite him for having a dad and killing his dad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's they're. Yeah, and I think didn't they kind of like already it? maybe I'm Mistaken, but wasn't there like dialogue, like saying like where he said like your dad or something like that, like Like where he is already.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's kind of like this not his dad, well, i think it was more like a questionable your dad. Okay, he That's like him finding out that something's up and then, I think that they cut you the mural, and then The movie ended up shortly after ended shortly, yeah, cuz what yeah, going a prowler.

Speaker 2:

He's probably like why, who is this guy that looks exactly like me, like? so I'm sure it was more of a question, like you said, because obviously they wouldn't know about the multiverse or what spider, spider verse. I'm curious because you know how they're teaming up. Is is. Is it gonna be prowler and uncle Aaron versus the whole gang? because that seems like that night That wouldn't be very power miles can take on the whole gang, though I feel like has the No, I don't think consequence of. I think making the spot fight worse.

Speaker 1:

I feel like today you would make more sense if Miles has to get out of that little predicament alone. But maybe not.

Speaker 3:

I think it's going to be miles versus miles And then maybe the spider people show up and it's like all we're gonna have you beat, but miles Don't want to kill himself. And then spots gonna show up and everything's gonna get derailed and they're gonna Move on from that. I think.

Speaker 2:

I don't even think about spots showing up that's what it's not. I guess he could, but It sounded like he was already going back to his universe.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Or an incurring like is that what?

Speaker 3:

they call those things. They're like Spider-man.

Speaker 1:

India black hole stuff, i, they. I don't think they called it incursions. No, yeah, that's the doctor. Strange term right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well. I heard it Yeah stuff outside, i don't remember them using incursion in this movie.

Speaker 1:

But, But maybe I'm wrong. Yeah, I don't know. Sounds like we're gonna have to rewatch both of them together.

Speaker 2:

Together. Yeah, yeah, tyler, drive over your party baby.

Speaker 3:

No, I'll drive over here.

Speaker 2:

I Mean because you want your opinion gonna say something, but I lost my train of thought Something about miles and miles.

Speaker 3:

I say something about my other.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, I was gonna say I Kind of I think it was a little pretty cool how Spot was just the random guy that got hit by a donut.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, bro, they go.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty funny, that little callback.

Speaker 3:

I like that call back and I like the freaking Jacob have you seen? because I know I sent John some of the screenshots but the Into that. Yes, the mirrors between the first and second movie. I.

Speaker 1:

Have not seen this obviously There's the bagel.

Speaker 3:

There's when miles is tied up. It's literally a parallel to when he tied up Peter. That like literal parallel imagery. What was the other?

Speaker 2:

There's. The next two are just hints of like. So when miles first gets bit is the. His background shows the oh yeah, that goes away, like you said, and then the other one is or it starts with it's when he's Meeting the original spider-man.

Speaker 3:

His spider sense goes off in his prowler colors.

Speaker 2:

Which kind of?

Speaker 3:

signifies that, oh, he might be bad in turn. The prowler in this universe It's a diesel thing and then it switches a spider-man, which is like that.

Speaker 1:

Very interesting.

Speaker 2:

And then it shows up. I think the last image was What was.

Speaker 3:

There was a spider.

Speaker 2:

That was said 42, universe 42?.

Speaker 3:

Well, no, it was a spider glitching because it didn't belong in that universe. And then the other one when miles fell at some point there were the numbers 42 from, like a sign on his sides. I Little easter egg, little hints.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, nice.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure there's a bunch more, but I'm actually I don't, i don't see it as an important part of the story, but I'm curious if they're gonna mention Who the? I'm assuming it's a Peter Parker, but what happened to the Peter Parker and universe 42?

Speaker 1:

He never got bit by a spider. Maybe, like you think, you'll end up coming back or those come like.

Speaker 2:

I mean he kind of doesn't matter if he doesn't have powers right.

Speaker 3:

Choo, i don't think ever touched on that, so I even crossed my mind.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, i, because if he didn't get bit by his spider he's just a normal dude And so like what? what could they bring him in for, even like?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Spider from his universe was miles.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that was prowler miles supposed to be the one that was supposed to get, yeah, we don't know. Okay, you can go either way. That actually kind of makes the whole spider verse From collapsing thing kind of weird paradox, cuz. Don't you think it would have happened if he didn't become? that seems like a major event that Would have caused a black hole or wormhole. I feel like I don't know the universe well. There's no one spider-man wait.

Speaker 1:

So if no one ever gets bit by the spider because the spider was taken out of the universe or whatever, then there's no spider-man or spider-woman, which means there's no connection to the spider-verse, so nothing can be destroyed by a Little. Whatever those black holes were called, once we figure out their name.

Speaker 2:

Like they just said, wormhole, but maybe not I.

Speaker 3:

Personally do not care.

Speaker 2:

Actually I.

Speaker 3:

To pivot a little bit. I I like that. I like how they both visually and explain how the spider-verse Exists and they showed that it exists within the MCU, but it's also like an offshoot of, like a timeline. So it can, this one spider-verse could just be in one timeline or it could be. I'm sorry, no, it can be. The spider-verse could be within the timeline as a whole or there could be a spider-verse within each of the different timeline offshoots in the MCU. I think they wrote it really well, so like they can literally do whatever they want and it really doesn't matter what happens in the spider-verse or in the MCU. So these details don't like They're even a door open for themselves.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's very clever writing very, very smart.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so if we go back to predictions, is Miles's dad gonna die?

Speaker 1:

oh, the hard-hitting question.

Speaker 2:

Because I think the beat spot, because obviously he's like so OP, like He's, and he's super power hungry. I know his whole point is just to take everything away from miles, but I doubt it'll end there.

Speaker 1:

I'm wondering the obvious prediction that's kind of just like sitting there right in front of my face is that Miles knows that spots gonna try to kill his dad and He's going to do whatever in his power to stop that. But either a Whatever like that little vision he saw of it happening is gonna be incorrect and But whatever like action Miles chooses actually contributes to his dad's death, or I think he does save his dad but indirectly that gets someone else very close to him killed.

Speaker 2:

I was just about to say. I think his obvious choice would be.

Speaker 3:

Peter B Parker or his mom, or yeah, i Think when the another yeah, top of the line. I Don't think they want to win, though.

Speaker 1:

I feel like, i think anything goes but I Didn't.

Speaker 2:

I feel like Peter B might be the next in line, because When he left sounded what did Mary Jane say? like come back home or something.

Speaker 1:

Or am I just well, yeah, what was her last thing she said to him before he?

Speaker 2:

left. The only thing she said Yeah.

Speaker 1:

That's a great point. I Just I thought of him first because, yeah, yeah, he kept going on that he was the mentor. He's a new father.

Speaker 2:

Like you had the baby because he thought he could, because of miles so like it'll hit even more if he, and that's what I thought of him first.

Speaker 1:

But, I think the mom and Gwen could both makes very easily make sense. I.

Speaker 3:

See going either way, but I think The direction they've been going and the themes they've been exploring and how many stakes there are, i think they're gonna have a classic haze cold Hollywood Ending where everyone just ends up Okay Very possible. I think there's gonna be lots of stakes and lots of things that risk, but They don't want to be too dark.

Speaker 3:

Well, i think, like the themes of just Miles wanting to do his own thing and How, like the classic spider-man trope, that someone has to die and I just think it's gonna go, just complete happy ending.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Could see that complete.

Speaker 1:

I also think the story challenge gets really messy Does. I think it could include spot the spot get happy ending here I could you find a purpose of like helping maybe the spider-verse gets destroyed But spot finds a purpose in helping spiders stay connected.

Speaker 3:

That actually could be Yeah that's the best of both worlds, where you get everyone dying, or maybe some people die and then Other universe yeah.

Speaker 2:

We got some major fights coming up Because there's no way Miguel backs down Maybe, maybe some character development where he does, but you have that fight potentially obviously miles v miles and then spot.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, and like the Peter, i don't know, baby dad spider-man Fight, and if he dies, that said Gwen dies, that said my.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm getting sad if people die, we will be Feel like, yeah, at least I feel like they might let someone die. But who knows? We'll have to find out. Um one thing I did want to mention is how cool was it to see Donald Glover's Prouler.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I was so excited to see that because I totally didn't get that spoiled on. I was so shocked. Let me tell you I Didn't expect it, i.

Speaker 2:

I guess I didn't get spoiled.

Speaker 1:

I didn't expect it. But I also, like, when I was watching like it didn't elicit a reaction from me, i was like kind of just like, oh, there he is.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cameo, that got the most reaction out of me was seeing when they had the uncle Benz nine and I saw like the spider-man game, cube see. Oh yeah, i was like oh, I love that game. I remember playing that. I remember that scene exactly for some reason, even though it's been like 20 years. You're so much better. Yeah, I'm the other camera the when In the whole like multi-verse explanation scene.

Speaker 1:

They were showing your local Benz like, as I can even yeah and on the right side.

Speaker 3:

When they showed Benz it was like some. I think one of the Garfield or McGuire Benz was in the middle of the screen to the right of that was the video game from the spider-man game cube. Like 2002, spider-man Whatever.

Speaker 2:

Oh that, oh I love.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i love that. Remember that scene Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if you noticed. Apparently I Thought it was the spider-man. One game, the newest one, not the newest, but PlayStation spider-man yes. Yeah That his roommates playing spider-man 2.

Speaker 1:

I did notice that he was. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's the one where I was like all they're showing spider-man one, but apparently it's in the game to exclusive footage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like how Miles, his roommate was kind of just like Super chill about Miles is coming in and out, changing, changing like hey, bad guy got away Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I like how he also was like I'm not trying to be your.

Speaker 1:

Guy in the chair Yeah. It also.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why, but it also took me like a little bit to get used to grown-up miles, puberty miles, because he was a little kid in the first one.

Speaker 1:

Maybe he's still not like grown grown up. It's like what? 15, 16. Yes, i'm brought ass shoulders.

Speaker 3:

I'll tell you that Oh.

Speaker 1:

Oh man. Well, just like the one spider-man said, you know I wake up. I don't have to work out because I'm already ripped.

Speaker 3:

Jacked. I Don't know why I just remembered spider-man 29 9s for tonight's game with his quenched up butt cheeks. Have you guys seen that skin my?

Speaker 1:

chain? No, i don't look it up. Is he just as jacked as he was in the movie, though?

Speaker 2:

He yeah, he's pretty jacked and like top-heavy Legs are smaller, but yeah, like bricks and his pants on his butt cheeks. He was.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you gotta see this game of telling you.

Speaker 2:

He was a spider-man. 2099 was really cool. I didn't. For some reason I didn't. I don't expect the the cool-looking webs like the red one yonder or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, okay, i didn't know is oh good. I was gonna ask, like I don't, i don't know the lore, is he like not all, like completely all spider, like does he have something?

Speaker 3:

out vampire bro, we're gonna get a more. Be his cameo in the third one. Let's go.

Speaker 1:

Just what we needed, the more be his cameo?

Speaker 3:

Do you know they're gonna? you didn't think about that when they said vampire shows little silhouette.

Speaker 2:

No Up that he was about to you know. yeah, that's what I was gonna say, No.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, when I saw that, i was like Wait, what the like was, like what's going on with this guy?

Speaker 3:

Yeah. I don't think that's like eat him comic Accurate like lore stuff. I think, that's something there. Yeah, one for this, cuz they need a tie and more be here.

Speaker 1:

So was he injecting, like vampire blood into his arm in that one scene to like satisfy his craving? Or was that like spider, more spider serum? cuz he said he's like, he's like, i'm not completely like whatever, like I don't know about him?

Speaker 3:

You just made me think what a spot just gets like canned pretty early on in three and Then he is Yeah oh man, it could happen doesn't more be his team up.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Shout out, shout out to my favorite post credit scene, where it's the, the vulture, just meeting up.

Speaker 3:

You know what? yes, want a team up. You know what? again with clever writing stuff. This movie somewhat explains that. Now It actually kind of makes sense that he just shows up randomly. Who the vulture? yeah, it's like it's different universe or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Is he even a little more be is.

Speaker 3:

Yes comment that he needs to watch more be is Little of a best movie.

Speaker 2:

Just to change up a bit. How amazing was the styling and like the themes. What am I trying to say? Kyler helped me Art design. Yes, there you go. I thought that was like super top notch, especially like I noticed it more in the beginning. I don't know about maybe there was so much going on, i didn't really pay attention throughout the film, but in the beginning with Gwen, like she's blue.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they did a lot with like water emotions and like changing the background with her, like I specifically think of like the scene where she's like at a low point and like the background is almost like melting.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think running water. Yeah, paint.

Speaker 2:

Mm, hmm, i thought that was a super clever way to use, yeah, art design as a story point, as a storytelling device.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and that's what I love about film. Yeah, it was so good, so good, that's what like, like, okay, i don't want to say for this movie, but it kind of is more so for this movie because the art's crazy. But at least for the first one I like to refer to it as like a work of art, because you know, solid screen playing, a storytelling, and the literal art, like it's like perfect, perfect Literal work of art. Uh, paula, i have a question, actually I guess for both of you, more so for Jacob.

Speaker 3:

Was the audio mix, more so for dialogue and especially for that Gwen scene in the beginning. was it like hard to understand what she was saying? I know spider punk was hard to understand Because in my screen and apparently this was a thing for a lot of people like it was really hard to hear dialogue because the music mix was horrible.

Speaker 2:

I can like barely make out what Gwen was saying.

Speaker 3:

And I think about a week ago they pushed a new version out with a new mix.

Speaker 1:

Okay, well, i did not see it on the, you know, opening night or even opening week. So, yeah, i when I saw it, yeah, i had no issues with with any audio. I was here like all the dial, like I did not think that was an issue at all.

Speaker 2:

I didn't have an issue. I don't think I did. The only issue I did was with spider punk, just because of the accent was pretty heavy Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Interesting Makes me kind of want to rewatch it again because yeah, like especially that Gwen Stacy scene I was trying to I couldn't tell if they were like intentional, the very beginning When she's drumming, the whole freaking like five to ten minutes of beginning. It's hard to hear. when the drum started you literally couldn't make out like anything. I couldn't tell if that was intentional storytelling they're trying to do or something, but Like the noise is too loud even for her own thoughts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, i don't think that was intentional.

Speaker 3:

I don't think I had that issue Apparently the cause, like they're sent out a note that they're supposed to turn up the volume for this or something And some one didn't. Some theater, a lot of people didn't, that theaters and some theaters don't have the right sound mix to catch up with modern movies, which kind of explains Nolan's issue with that tenant movie recently and stuff.

Speaker 1:

I feel like that was the same All the movies.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's always like man, what are they saying? Like, turn it up, but then you're also just turning up all this loud ass background.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the theaters have like different channels that they can mix and stuff. Apparently you have that at home too, but they haven't figured out how to do that for the consumer end yet, or care to you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, we're approaching the the 50 minute mark here. Is there any last questions, last points we want to bring up and discuss?

Speaker 3:

I got something to mention, all right. I'm just gonna go hand in hand with the messy storytelling aspect. But what the freak happened to Spider-Man India? He literally just disappeared from the movie and it's assumed that I assume he stayed to help out with his saving his world thing, but they didn't really mention that or anything. I kind of found it out. I thought it was because of that.

Speaker 1:

He does show up in that last team up scene though.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, but yeah, he just wasn't helping out with, he wasn't anywhere else.

Speaker 2:

He got a giant wormhole in his world? Yeah, but they didn't address that, or?

Speaker 3:

anything, It was just the way it was like presented. It was just like oh yeah, here's a plot point and we don't need him anymore.

Speaker 1:

So here's my, here's my question, because I think we were all agreeing that the pacing of the movie was good. If they had cut away at some point in like that third act to show him like helping out in his universe, would that have pulled you out a little bit, or no? Or would you have been like, oh, we're checking back in Because, like I feel like that second half of the movie, if not the whole movie, like the pacing was good and like if they would have had a scene somewhere towards the end of just like showing what he was doing, i might have just been like, why did I see that?

Speaker 3:

Well, i think they could have eased oh shoot, i didn't mean to open that, gifting it. I think they could have just put a quick like little one or two second shot in the montage at the end when Gwen's drums are going in, or just like a little hey, here's the spider verse web thing and here's him saving his world.

Speaker 2:

I guess, yeah, if they did it.

Speaker 3:

That way that could work. There's easy ways they could have put it in without contracting. I just thought it was a line Or just a line. Yeah, just like when was it Miguel? That's his name, right, miguel?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, miguel.

Speaker 3:

So they got a quick line like hey, you stay here to help your world at the end, or you know obviously not that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that could have worked, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just found that a little God damn. I love Spider-Man India's world and Spider-Man India I think it's my second favorite kid Yeah, he's funny.

Speaker 2:

I liked him. He's cool. He was great.

Speaker 1:

You also?

Speaker 2:

Especially like calling out the fact that there's some tension and chemistry between them, which is what everyone in the audience probably thinks too, or maybe not everyone.

Speaker 1:

So what I what I actually let I liked a lot was like it just got me to chuckle a little bit was, if you remember, the in the intro When miles first takes on spot spot is calling it an ATM machine. Chai miles is kind of calling him out like why you saying ATM machine? You know the M stands for machine and then miles goes and says that he likes chai tea to this fighter man. Yeah he's like what you like TT.

Speaker 2:

Oh, like non bread.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you're saying bread, bread.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was trying to think that was a Miguel.

Speaker 1:

No, who who said?

Speaker 2:

I remember who's just saying it's a miles, I think When they were swinging together because those two were together for trying to say yeah yeah. We got a little more time left. Another shout out to spider punk for being the anarchist that he is and like literally Telling miles how to hone his powers to break out of the prison or the Hello, spider punk And his care, especially comparing to like spider-man India, like he spider punk dipped out, but that's like totally on this character Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Here like he's, like I don't want to see where this goes, great.

Speaker 2:

And it's also on character for him to help out the others with their own devices. Yeah, or at least one's device, Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I Would love to know how like that interaction with him and Gwen's dad went down, because obviously he doesn't know about like the spider-verse. So now he's just got this like crazy dude showing up being like here like you need to give this to your daughter, who he hasn't seen in how long. It's just he's probably so confused like what is going on. So cool yeah, he was a cool character.

Speaker 3:

Total. Well, yeah, it's totally different, but I guess even Clyde with chance of meatballs Uh not in a very long time. That that was directed by a Miller and, if you need to do but the same director, spider-verse, lord, lord, yeah, it's interesting thinking about that like a lot of similarities, like subconscious, when I was watching the first spider-verse. Miles's dad reminds me of the police officer in that movie.

Speaker 3:

I'm very, very similar themes with like fatherhood and stuff and even the police there. No, Gwen's dad kind of looks like Flynn lock. Flynn Lockwood's dead and Clyde with chance of meatballs.

Speaker 2:

So I'm like a tourism going on with them.

Speaker 3:

It was kind of neat to see, ooh a.

Speaker 2:

Shoutout that I feel like Just a cool little tidbit people should know is something you sent me, kyler, is that a little kid made the Lego sequence? Oh Yeah, that's cool, that. That is very cool the fact that he did that and it ended up in this movie. And it's also when you think about it. Didn't Lord and Miller also do Lego movie, right? I?

Speaker 1:

Don't think so, i don't know, i think they did See one off top.

Speaker 3:

Okay, yeah, he did doing.

Speaker 2:

Star Wars, yeah, yeah, that was like oh, these people are doing a Star Wars movie. Well, before you got cancer, or you know they got booted. Well, yeah, just a little cool little tidbit is that a little kid was able to make a sequence for a movie as big as this one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so if you're still listening with us after 55 minutes, there's your little tidbit of information that you've earned for staying this far.

Speaker 2:

All right, and you yeah. Any final thoughts? I think we kind of hit everything I think we've.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, hit, i'm good, i fit my, my thoughts. So if you guys are ready to wrap it up, i Am as well, i'm ready to get this Morbius Watch party going.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

All right, well, adios, go ahead. Yeah, all right. Well, that's it for this episode. Any questions or comments, leave them down in the comment section.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes. What do you want us to talk about next? make sure you recommend Morbius so you can get that podcast going. No, goodbye.